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2019수능특강 영어 27강 본문 본문


2019수능특강 영어 27강 본문

wood.forest 2019. 9. 18. 11:50

수능특강 영어 27강.hwp

수능특강 영어 27


For leaders, eternally in the spotlight, the most important ingredient for gaining followers’ confidence is to live up to expectations, particularly the expectations they have created themselves. Leaders need to do what they promise and practice what they preach. Followers are very sensitive to leaders who seem to go back on their word and/or don’t take their own medicine. In many languages, the saying is that confidence “comes by foot and leaves by horse,” which goes to show that the speed at which confidence can crumble has been known to humanity for a long time. Therefore, leaders need to safeguard the faith that people have in them by acting in accordance with the expectations they have raised themselvesthey need to “walk the talk” instead of only being the “sage on stage” who has all the wise words but exhibits few of the wise deeds.



There are physiological processes that take place when we are faced with something that scares us. When we’re frightened, the brain releases two groups of chemicals, endocannabinoids and opioids. As they surge through our systems, these chemicals keep us from feeling pain and give us a rush of energy and clarity that can help us when we need it most. You’ve heard of average-size mothers finding the strength to pull heavy objects off their children before they’re crushed. That’s adrenaline, one of the hormones triggered by fear. Many survivors of natural disasters and plane crashes talk about how in the heat of the moment, they just did what they had to do, without awareness of their injuries or any feeling of loss of control. In these cases, fear actually enables people to take extreme measures in order to survive.



Several studies find situational cues can radically change people’s mental set about what is normatively appropriate in a social dilemma. For example, different groups of students in one study played a dilemma game according to identical rules, with only the name of the game varying. Students were much more generous and cooperative when the game was called the “Community Game” than when the same game was labeled the “Wall Street Game.” In an even more subtle manipulation of social norms, half the students in one experiment were primed for interdependence (by completing sentences containing words such as “group,” “friendships,” or “together”) while the other half were primed for independence (by completing sentences containing words such as “independent,” “individual,” or “self-contained”). The students who were primed for interdependence were later more cooperative and trusting in a public-goods dilemma.



Consider social media. Let’s say it’s Friday night and you plan to go to the cinema, but you are not sure what to see. You ask your online friends for their advice. Ten people comment, and seven of them suggest The Theory of Everything. Did seven people like The Theory of Everything so much that the movie instantly came to mind when they commented on your post? Maybe. Here is another possibility: one friend recommended the movie on your page and the others were then biased in that direction. Once a friend or two recommended the film, other friends who did not like the movie as much refrained from saying so, or even avoided recommending a different film so as not to offend the others or stand out as a black sheep.
