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ebs 단기특강 유형편 24강 본문
Day 24
When we say that people work toward creating and sustaining meaning, we are suggesting that there must be some shared meaning for interpersonal communication to take place.
A) Therefore, cultural expressions such as TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) may not communicate the same meaning to all people, even when accurately translated.
B) However, because meaning is affected by culture in more ways than language differences, we have to be careful not to assume that our meaning will automatically be clear to others and result in shared meaning.
C) For example, Martin and Nakayama note that in the United States many people tend to dislike Monday, the first day of the work week, and enjoy Friday, which is the end of the workweek. However, many Muslims dislike Saturday, which is the first day of the week for the Muslims after Friday, the holy day.
African-American writer Ida B. Wells wrote passionately about how blacks were treated in racist America.
A) Because of this, she bought a newspaper, the Memphis Free Speech, and continued to write against injustices, such as when three black businessmen were killed when they opened a grocery store in competition with a while businessman.
B) A mob destroyed the offices of the Memphis Free Speech, and she moved on toe New York, where she again bought a partial interest in a newspaper and wrote against racism.
C) While teaching in the public schools, she wrote weekly articles for The Living Way, but when white politicians learned that she was writing the articles, they made sure that she was fired from her teaching job.
Scientific research provides the law with important information for decision making.
A) However, because scientific information carries so much weight in legal decision making, the law has not been content simply to take the scientists' research at face value. Both the courts and the regulatory agencies employ multiple checks on the quality of science and expert analysis to ensure that the information is reliable.
B) Science helps juries determine whether hair found at a crime scene matches that of the suspect, and it helps regulators quantify the extent to which pollution from a factory impairs the health of children in neighboring communities.
C) In fact, in its role as a consumer of science, the law can sometimes place intrusive demands on science and scientists, seeking answers to questions that lie beyond the realm of science and imposing quality checks that differ substantially from the controls the scientific community imposes on itself.
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