목록나무 숲 (795)
나무 숲
1 For many communities, the tree pruning cycle runs over the course of many years. Our city staff is focused on large tree removals and mature trees that need specialized equipment to reach and prune. Smaller trees, however, can be pruned from the ground level by citizen volunteers. To become a volunteer, you will first learn information about pruning, safety, and how to make proper pruning cuts..
20 Over the years, memory has been given a bad name. It has been associated with rote learning and cramming information into your brain. Educators have said that understanding is the key to learning, but how can you understand something if you can’t remember it? We have all had this experience: we recognize and understand information but can’t recall it when we need it. For example, how many jok..
20-40 안내문 도표 제외 20 We tend to go long periods of time without reaching out to the people we know. Then, we suddenly take notice of the distance that has formed and we scramble to make repairs. We call people we haven’t spoken to in ages, hoping that one small effort will erase the months and years of distance we’ve created. However, this rarely works: relationships aren’t kept up with big one-ti..
19-40, 안내문 도표 제외 2018 11 고2 19 Our class of 1960 was going to be returning for our momentous 50th reunion, but I had sadly stated to one of my four kids that regretfully, I was going to miss the reunion because I just couldn’t afford the trip. Then one evening my youngest daughter, Kelly, handed me an envelope and said, “Read this later.” A letter inside the envelope lectured me all about how im..
19-40, 안내문 도표 제외 2018 11 고1 모의고사 19 Clara, an 11-year-old girl, sat in the back seat of her mother’s car with the window down. The wind from outside blew her brown hair across her ivory pale skin ― she sighed deeply. She was sad about moving and was not smiling. Her heart felt like it hurt. The fact that she had to leave everything she knew broke her heart. Eleven years ― that was a long time to..
제목을 왜이렇게 했지.. 원제 : The Edge of Seventeen은 좀.. 사춘기 느낌을 주는 것 같은데 지랄발광은.. 너무 진상 느낌이 아닌지.. ;; 전체적인 내용은 하이틴 로맨스물보다는 청소년 성장물 이제 약간 미국 청소년 성장 클리셰를 알거같다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한가지 엄청 재미있게 본게 ㅋㅋㅋ 위에 나오는 남자 캐릭터 이름이 어윈 김 인데 영화 피셜 부자 한국인이다. 한국인 캐릭터가 부자로 나오는 경우는 처음 봐서 (중국인이 아니라..??) 신선했다 ㅋㅋㅋ - https://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=149776
책 원작의 이미 너무 유명한 영화다. 배우 ‘벤 휘쇼’와 정말 잘 어울리는 분위기였다고 생각함. 내용과 배경도 재미있다. 근데 제목이 이미 내용을 다 말해주긴 하네 ㅎ;; 너무 암울하지도 감성 넘치지도 않는 담백한 느낌이 있다. 캡쳐들을 다시 보니까 오 상당히 배경이 예쁘다. 영화를 볼 당시엔 주인공의 분위기에만 집중했던 것 같은데.. 내용에 따른.. 최상의 결말이 아니었을까 싶다. - https://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=52553
https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/icons-and-images/app-icon/ App Icon - Icons and Images - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer App Icon Every app needs a beautiful and memorable icon that attracts attention in the App Store and stands out on the Home screen. Your icon is the first opportunity to communicate, at a glance, your app’s purpose. It also ..
엄청 나른하고 따뜻한 여름 유럽 감성을 느낄 수 있는 영화. 분위기가 너무 좋았다. 음악이 좋기로 유명한 듯 하다. 흥행 뒤에 뒷북치며 봤다. 자전거를 엄청 많이 타서 타고싶었다. 물에서 놀다가 자전거 타고 시내 나가서 앉아서 놀다가 저녁에 파티가서 부러웠다. 사실 혈관에 김치국물이 흐르는 사람으로서 이런 서양 로맨스물은 이해할 수 없는 감정선이 하나씩 있긴 하다. 확실히 그런점이 또 신선하게 다가오는듯? 영화 사진을 찾다 댓글들을 보니 와, 다 공감되고 이제서야 영화의 깊이가 조금 더 느껴졌다고 할까.. ㄷㄷ 볼 때에도 사실 나른한 분위기임에도 불구하고 전개가 지루하지 않아서 재미있게 감상 가능! 재미있고 주인공 캐릭터가 귀엽다. - https://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/ba..
1 It is hard to believe that some great composers, possibly including Mozart, wrote music by throwing dice. But it's true! We call this aleatoric music. Aleatoric music [refers/prefers] to a style of musical composition popularized in the early 1950s, that uses some form of random chance. It has a fixed structure but leaves the details to be decided by chance. For example, musical measures can e..
Yuppie가 되고싶다 "Yuppie" (short for "young urban professional" or "young, upwardly-mobile professional") is a term coined in the early 1980s for a young professional person working in a city. -Wiki 미국에서 인턴하면서 접한 새로운 단어들 중 가장 마음에 와닿았던 단어다. 어감이 귀엽기도 했고, 내가 본 실리콘밸리 사람들과 정말 비슷하면서도, 나와는 정말 멀다고 생각했기 때문에.. Yuppie의 생활에 대해 설명을 덧붙이자면 NY, LA 등 미국의 대도시에 살며 Affluent lifestyle을 추구한다. 하는 일에 열성적이며 보다 나은 생활과 지위를 위해..
리딩튜터 수능플러스 2강 1 Can climate change make the food you eat less healthy? As strange as it may sound, it could be possible. Studies have shown that the levels of minerals, vitamins, and proteins in food crops have been dropping over the past 50 to 70 years. Some scientists believe this is related to the use of crops that produce more food but contain fewer nutrients. However, others suggest it has ..
리딩튜터 수능플러스 1강 1 If you’re looking for a unique lodging experience during your tour of New England, head to the Liberty Hotel in Boston. You’re sure to find the history of the building quite interesting. Before it was renovated, it was the notorious Charles Street Jail. Millions of dollars were spent to convert the former jail into a unique structure that combines historic architecture with the l..
CG가 잔뜩 버무려진 판타지는 아니다. 진짜 신비의 섬 이름이 님스아일랜드 인줄 알았으나 주인공 이름이 님이고 주인공이랑 아빠만 사는 섬이라 제목이.. 그런거였다.. 주인공의 갈등상황이나 급전개 결말을 따라가기는 어려웠지만 나름대로 재미있었고 아이 관점에서 순수했다 ㅋㅋㅋ 여기 나오는 배경이나 주인공이 사는 집, 상상같은 것들이 너무 예뻤다. - https://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=68334
Day 28 기출 예제 Think of the most famous scientists you know- Issac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Pierre and Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, and so on. What do all these people have in common? Well, for one thing, they're all very smart. In some cases they even taught themselves most of what they knew about their particular subject. In fact, Sir Issac Newton had to invent a n..