목록수능연계교재 (46)
나무 숲

19강 1 William Allingham, poet and editor, is known mainly through a small group of poems that regularly appear in anthologies of Irish verse. In his own day, however, Allingham was well known to poets such as Robert Browning, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and Alfred Tennyson, and his work inspired later Irish poets, including W. B. Yeats and John Hewitt. He was born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, Ir..

18강 1-3 Cuoi was born to a poor family and he had to work at various jobs to provide for his family. One day, while gathering wood in the forest far from home, Cuoi came upon a tiger cub and picked it up. Then, he heard a frightful growl. It was the mother tiger. Cuoi threw the cub to the ground and scrambled in terror up into the branches of the nearest tree. A moment later the tigress came cra..

17강 1-2 Looking for patterns works because our memories are organized in terms of what psychologists call 'schema'. A schema is a familiar pattern of relationships stored in your memory. That way they form memories so strongly linked that they are recalled more or less as a single unit. This is so powerful that it doesn't just influence your way of remembering lists, it actually affects your ent..

Test2 1 Dear Mr. Chalton, Our school library is very nice, and I am proud of being a member of the library maintenance team. And as a student and a member of the team, I would like to suggest a few improvements that would make our library even better. First, a library should be a quiet place, but noise from the school cafeteria can easily be heard in the school library. Therefore, I think the li..

Test1 1 Dear Mr. Jansen We received your application for the Steven Christopher Scholarship. We sincerely appreciate your interest. Each year hundreds of students apply for the scholarship, and your outstanding academic record placed you among the finalists. However, we regret to inform you that the scholarship has been granted to someone else who has a wider experience in the industry. Consider..

12강 1 You may have noticed that people differ in the schemas they tend to use when evaluating others. College professors are often concerned with whether someone is smart, sales managers with whether someone is persuasive, and those involved in the entertainment business with whether someone has charisma. As these examples illustrate, the role of the evaluator or the context in which a target pe..

11강 1 Fos Whitlock was a successful businessman. He asked me to talk to his son, Brant. Brant was about to graduate from college and was obsessed with the idea that he had the potential to be a professional golfer. Fos asked me to meet with Brant, obviously hoping that I would steer him toward giving up his dream of being a professional golfer. After seeing Brant, I met with Fos and suggested th..

6강 1 Aging is an economic challenge because unless retirement ages are drastically increased so that older member of society can continue to contribute to the workforce (an economic imperative that has many economic benefits), the working-age population falls at the same time as the percentage of dependent elders increases. As the population ages and there are fewer young adults, purchases of bi..

10강 1 Yale psychologist Irving Janis showed that just about every group develops an agreed-upon view of things — a consensus reality, the "PC" or politically correct view. Any evidence to the contrary is automatically rejected without consideration, often ridiculed, and may lead to exclusion of the person presenting the un-PC data. So group members are careful not to rock the boat by disagreeing..

9강 1 Thomas Edison failed ten thousand times until, like a bolt of lightening, the solution to the challenge of the incandescent light bulb hit him, and because of this, he transformed the world. Rosa Parks had no idea that choosing to resist her conditioning ― the injustice of racial prejudicing ― and risking imprisonment, beating, or even worse, would spark a revolution that would transform hi..

5강 1 Finding an ideal location for a piano is often difficult. In the order of importance, the location should help preserve the instrument, be acoustically satisfactory, and be aesthetically pleasing. Ideally, a piano should be placed on an inside wall, away from the direct rays of the sun. Moreover, it should not be placed next to heaters, stoves, air conditioners, or near heat ducts or cold a..

4강 1 People everywhere have their special cultural rites. It is just as true in the workplace as it is in the surrounding culture. All professions observe their distinctive ways. What appears to be a superficial set of actions to outsiders knits insiders together and puts them in an appropriate frame of mind to do their work successfully. Physicians scrub for seven minutes before doing a surgica..

3강 1 You are much more than just a list of your accomplishments. It’s not only what you do, but how you do it that counts in the real scorebook of your life. Making the spectacular diving catch says more about you than the “out” that is recorded in the scorebook. It says you have game. It says you give 110%. Every performance in your life becomes a choice you have to make. Will you do just enoug..

2강 1 I was once out in the foothills of the Absaroka Mountains near my home in southern Montana when I saw a front of windy and snowy weather coming toward me. Because of the open nature of that part of the upper Yellowstone River Valley, I was able to see the storm coming from a long distance away, but I was so far out on an exposed hillside that I wasn’t able to make it to cover before the bli..

1강 1 My name is Susan and I work in the accounting department. I happened to hear that you are looking to promote someone within our company to the position of manager of the accounting department, and I felt a need to write you this letter. I think Victoria Kimball, my department colleague, is an ideal candidate for the position. She is always on time, she never leaves early, and she does excel..