목록영어 (145)
나무 숲
9강 1 Multilingual realities arise in a number of ways. Immigrants, whether settlers or invaders, bring languages into contact and sometimes, as with imperialist and colonial expansion, it is unnecessary for many people to physically move; their language may make its presence felt through military, religious, or economic force requiring relatively small numbers of soldiers, merchants, bureaucrats..
8강 1 Nhoma Safari Camp is a tented camp in the remote northeast of Namibia, the ancestral land of the Ju/’hoansi Bushmen, offering an intensive and authentic Bushman experience. The accommodation is comfortable and consists of ten safari tents with bathrooms and hot‑water showers. In the mornings guests go hunting with the tribal hunters, looking for springhare and porcupine or foraging for veld..
6강 1 Many of us tend to feel uncomfortable making requests of anyone beyond our “inner circle” of family and close friends. But in doing so we vastly underestimate the responsiveness of “weak ties”—our acquaintances and people we don’t know very well. Weak ties are extremely valuable because they are the bridges between social circles. Novel information, new solutions to problems, and other reso..
5강 1 Our addiction to criticizing others is a huge block to effectively giving feedback. When we criticize, even if we choose our words with care, we are likely to assign others to a specific, potentially harmful, status. We are likely to assign others, for instance, to the status of being “wrong.” No one likes to be labeled “wrong.” Most people get defensive when they are labeled, even when sur..
4강 1 Unless we are very, very careful, we doom each other by holding onto images of one another based on preconceptions that are in turn based on indifference to what is other than ourselves. This indifference can be, in its extreme, a form of murder and seems to me a rather common phenomenon. We claim autonomy for ourselves and forget that in so doing we can fall into the tyranny of defining ot..
3강 1 We are often told that there is no innovation without competition, which is absurd given that most of the greatest innovations in science and technology have resulted from the sharing of research across academic silos, national borders, and language barriers. In truth, no great innovations occur in isolation. Personally, I have been asked to sign an awfully large number of nondisclosure agr..
2강 1 Just as I was approaching thirty, I was offered a sponsorship to go to the Ladies Professional Golf Association in the USA and attend their qualifying school. But I was very concerned about my family rather than thinking it was a good opportunity. If I accepted the sponsorship offer, I couldn’t continue to work for Mom, to help her out and to earn us some extra income between amateur golf t..
1강 1 Can’t leave the office or home to volunteer? No problem. Like almost everything these days, there is also a way to volunteer and help others out from the comfort of your living room couch or office chair. Many organizations need help with administrative tasks that can be completed digitally. If you are a computer whiz and are working at a job where you are supposed to look busy even when yo..
18 Dear Mr. Reese, A few days ago, I submitted my application and recipe for the 2nd Annual DC Metro Cooking Contest. However, I would like to change my recipe if it is possible. I have checked the website again, but I could only find information about the contest date, time, and prizes. I couldn’t see any information about changing recipes. I have just created a great new recipe, and I believe ..
18 Dear New Members, Welcome to Rock Climbing Club and hope you will get the most out of this rewarding sport. As beginners, you may be nervous in anticipation of your first climb. Many of you have asked about what climbing equipment to buy, such as boots, ropes, helmets, and gloves. You don’t have to bother yourself with these concerns. We offer a special service that will rent you all the equi..
Dream Big and Achieve Your Goals You are 17 years old. A wonderful age! Like all young people, you are full of hopes and expectations. At this important time in your life, I'd like to tell you about two people who realized their dreams. Put Your Dreams on Paper It is a common practice among successful people to write down their dreams on paper. They make lists of dreams and put them where they w..
책 뭐살지 구경하다가 정말 우연히 알게 된 유튜버 뉴욕주민님 영상이 많은데 제일 무난한(?) 이 영상을 처음 봤다. 좋은 말씀이라 정리 겸 기록 언어(영어)를 잘한다는 것? 전문 분야가 있으면 그 분야 준하는 수준의 어휘력, 고급 표현, 생각의 로직을 자유자재로 구사 내 의견을 그 언어로 다른 사람에게 전달 정보 습득 / 활용에 문제없이 자유롭게 사용 잘하는 방법은? 그냥 미친듯이 많이, 열심히 노력하는 것임 - 왕도는 없다~ - 언어에 자신을 노출, 해당 언어로 사고하려고 노력, 구사력 연습.. - 단어외우기, 원서 읽고, 말하고, 발음 연습 등등등 - 뉴스도 원문으로 읽고~ 미드로 영어공부한다? 진짜 할려면 Script 다 외우는 게 공부다 (개찔림) 금융/경제 영어에 집중하고싶으면? 일어나자마자 C..
* 일부 답 미기재 2011-11-고1 30. In the not-too-distant future, everyday objects such as shoes, carpets, and toothbrushes will contain technology that collects information. You will then be able to personalize these objects, allowing them to change physical state like color or respond to your daily mood. They will also be able to exchange data with other objects and send information to other people. Fo..
18-43, 도표/안내문 제외 2020 11 고1 18 To whom it may concern:I was born and raised in the city of Boulder and have enjoyed our scenic natural spaces for my whole life. The land through which the proposed Pine Hill walking trail would cut is home to a variety of species. Wildlife faces pressure from development, and these animals need space where they can hide from human activity. Although trails serve ..