목록2020수능특강영어 (19)
나무 숲
4강 1 People everywhere have their special cultural rites. It is just as true in the workplace as it is in the surrounding culture. All professions observe their distinctive ways. What appears to be a superficial set of actions to outsiders knits insiders together and puts them in an appropriate frame of mind to do their work successfully. Physicians scrub for seven minutes before doing a surgica..
3강 1 You are much more than just a list of your accomplishments. It’s not only what you do, but how you do it that counts in the real scorebook of your life. Making the spectacular diving catch says more about you than the “out” that is recorded in the scorebook. It says you have game. It says you give 110%. Every performance in your life becomes a choice you have to make. Will you do just enoug..
2강 1 I was once out in the foothills of the Absaroka Mountains near my home in southern Montana when I saw a front of windy and snowy weather coming toward me. Because of the open nature of that part of the upper Yellowstone River Valley, I was able to see the storm coming from a long distance away, but I was so far out on an exposed hillside that I wasn’t able to make it to cover before the bli..
1강 1 My name is Susan and I work in the accounting department. I happened to hear that you are looking to promote someone within our company to the position of manager of the accounting department, and I felt a need to write you this letter. I think Victoria Kimball, my department colleague, is an ideal candidate for the position. She is always on time, she never leaves early, and she does excel..