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ebs 단기특강 유형편 4강 원문 본문


ebs 단기특강 유형편 4강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 5. 14. 12:23

ebs단기특강 유형편 4강.hwp

ebs단기특강 유형편 4강



Mammals tend to be less colorful than other animal groups, but zebras are strikingly dressed in black-and-white. What purpose do such high contrast patterns serve? The colors’ roles aren’t always obvious. The question of what zebras can gain from having stripes has puzzled scientists for more than a century. To try to solve this mystery, wildlife biologist Tim Caro spent more than a decade studying zebras in Tanzania. He ruled out theory after theory — stripes don’t keep them cool, stripes don’t confuse predators — before finding an answer. In 2013, he set up fly traps covered in zebra skin and, for comparison, others covered in antelope skin He saw that flies seemed to avoid landing on the stripes. After more research, he concluded that stripes can literally save zebras from disease-carrying insects.



A three-year-old child, the youngest of nine in his family. was hospitalized with a very serious illness. It was not clear that he would survive. At home, each child in the family had specific responsibilities, and this little boy’s chore had been to keep the stairs clear of mess. Visiting her son in the hospital, the mom shared with him that without him at home, the stairs were becoming almost impassable. This conversation perceptibly changed his attitude; he became determined to get better, telling the nurses that he had an important job to do. When a person, even a young child, feels needed, they can feel a sense of renewed energy and focus, moved by the meaningful purpose to serve others. It is not unreasonable to say that people who are needed by people are the luckiest people in the world.



It is often very easy to listen destructively. You can even make fun of the occasion. You can criticize the speaker’s dress, pronunciation, hometown, or organization. All of us agree that the speaker’s failure to use effectively the principles of speech communication is to be deplored. But it is still wise to peer behind the external factors and evaluate what the speaker is saying. As a constructive listener, keep an open mind about the speaker’s ideas regardless of what that individual’s personal commitments or prejudices are. Instead of closing your mind to the speaker or focusing on areas of disagreement, look for points of agreement and emphasize them. In this way, you do not permit a closed mind to prevent broadening your knowledge of the topic at hand.



Geniuses don’t wait around for information to fall on their laps. They also don’t rely on one source to tell them everything. For example, they will not just listen to one news station and wait for the information to come to them through that one channel. A genius will pursue all kinds of ways of finding knowledge. They will ask questions and do research to find answers. When they find a direct answer to the question given by an expert, they will not necessarily believe the response without further evidence. They will seek more and more information to see if they truly understand what they think they understand. The knowledge that you seek out and work to find and learn is the most useful and helpful of all. If it comes to you in a pamphlet or through a media station and finds you, then you are more likely to take it in passively and not make much use of it. Also of course, information that finds you is more likely to be biased.



