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컨셉 유형독해 12강 원문 본문


컨셉 유형독해 12강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 5. 20. 12:09

컨셉 유형편 12강.hwp




Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, one of the most successful comic strips of all time, says that two personal letters dramatically changed his life. one night he was watching a PBS-TV program about cartooning, when he decided to write the host of the show, Jack Cassady, to ask for his advice about becoming a cartoonist. Much to his surprise, he heard back from Cassady within a few weeks in the form of a handwritten letter. The letter advised Adams not to be discouraged if he received early rejections. Adams got inspired and submitted some cartoons, but he was quickly rejected. Not following Cassady's advice, he became discouraged, put his materials away, and decided to forget cartooning as a career. About fifteen months later, he was surprised to receive yet another letter from Cassady, especially since he hadn't thanked him for his original advice. He acted again on Cassady's encouragement, but this time he stuck with it and obviously hit it big.



"Look!" Howard said, "Scotty! Look, Ann!" He turned her toward the bed. The boy had opened his eyes, then closed them. He opened them again now. The eyes stared straight ahead for a minute, then moved slowly in his head until they rested on Howard and Ann, then traveled away again. "Scotty," his mother said, moving to the bed. "Hey, Scotty," His father said. "Hey, son." They leaned over the bed. Howard took the child's hand in his hands and began to pat and squeeze the hand. Ann bent over the boy and kissed his forehead again and again. She put her hands on either side of his face. "Scotty, honey, it's Mommy and Daddy," she said. "Scotty?" The boy looked at them, but without any sign of recognition. His face seemed to relax and soften, though.



Once Rabbi Dov Baer asked a rich man, "I'm curious to learn how a man of your great wealth conducts his household. For example, what do you eat every day?" He answered, "I live very simply. I eat nothing more than dry bread and salt." The rabbi became upset. "You should be eating meat, wine, and fresh bread." He continued scolding the rich man until he finally consented to eat tastier, more luxurious food. After he left, Dov Baer's surprised pupils questioned him: "What does it matter to you if that man eats dry bread and salt or meat with wine?" Dov Baer answered, "It matters a great deal. If he feasts on meat and wine, he'll understand that the poor need at least stale bread with salt. But if he eats nothing more than stale bread with salt, he will imagine that the poor can satisfy themselves with stones."



Mila, the beluga whale, spotted something strange in her pool the day of a diving contest at Harbin PolarLand Park. A diver had experienced severe muscle cramps. Paralyzed and helpless, the woman sank toward the bottom of the pool. The whale plunged to the rescue. Using her head, Mila pushed the diver upright. Then she gently grabbed the diver's leg in her mouth and propelled her more than 20 feet to safety, so fellow humans could pull her out of the water and revive her. "As an air-breathing creature, Mila would know the importance of getting to the surface of the water quickly," says beluga expert Ann Bowles. "Belugas are intelligent, social mammals who help each other. It's not hard to believe she did a favor for someone who was in trouble." Let's hope the diver sent a thank-you note.



An enormous blond man named Mark challenges Lancelot. They fight furiously for a brief time. Than, Lancelot disarms Mark. The latter, confused, asks Lancelot how he managed to disarm him and whether it was a trick. Lancelot smilingly says that's just how he fights, and there is no trick to it. When Mark asks Lancelot to teach him, he offers Mark three tips: first, observe the man he's fighting and learn how he moves and thinks; second, await the make-or-break moment in the match and go for it then. Up to that point, Mark smiles and nods happily, sure he can learn to do those things. Lancelot's final tip, however, is a little more difficult to follow. He tells his eager student that he can't care about living or dying. Mark stares into his face, astonished; Lancelot smiles sadly and walks off into the sunset like a medieval cowboy.

