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2019수능특강 영어 22강 본문 본문


2019수능특강 영어 22강 본문

wood.forest 2019. 9. 12. 12:00

수능특강 영어 22강.hwp



When traveling into the wilderness, the type of gear you carry can either help or hinder your efforts. Specific gear will depend on many factors, which include the environment, weight, and cost. Whenever possible, try to bring gear that has multiple uses. A durable space blanket is a good example: It can be used as an added layer of clothing, a signal (orange side in winter; silver side in summer), a water collection device, and shelter. A military poncho, thick-ply garbage bags, and parachute lines are a few other examples of multi-use items. When bringing gear that operates on batteries, make sure to protect it from cold, soaking moisture, salt corrosion, and sand by wrapping it with a good insulating material and placing it in a waterproof bag.



The French government utilised skiing as a part of its strategies for regional development in the post-Second World War economic reconstruction. Purpose-built ski resorts, or ‘ski factories’ as some tourism and recreation researchers labelled them because of their emphasis on the mass accommodation of skiers and construction from glass, concrete and steel, were built in the late 1950s to aid regional development. The combination of demand from a growing mass leisure class and regional development opportunities has driven similar transformations in many of the world’s mountain landscapes for the purpose of recreation and tourism. This development demonstrates how previously unused nature may become a resource offering economic opportunities. This process emphasises that nature only becomes a resource when a human value is placed upon it, typically through the market, thus acquiring an instrumental value that previously did not exist.



Participating in sports is quite different from watching sports. Yet in sport studies, these two activities are often lumped together statistically and anecdotally. Combining them only adds to the confusion of the value of each, leads to suspect conclusions, and interferes with the assessment of the overall influence of sport. For example, many people would rate tackle football as the most popular sport in the United States. Based on spectator interest, this is a reasonable conclusion. But if we look at participation, football is popular only through high school and only with boys. Beyond age 18, tackle football is not a reasonable option due to the number of players required, lack of equipment, and risk of injury. Thus it is more accurate to say that football is the most popular spectator sport in the United States but rates far down the list in participation.



The 2008 winners of the annual awards for sustainable tourism all demonstrate that best practice in tourism is far-reaching, and extends beyond what was once understood to constitute tourismmainly just planes, hotels, and beaches. As an example, the winner of the poverty reduction award was an initiative in which both local farmers and tourists benefit. The hoteliers in this award-winning nation have traditionally imported much of their food while ignoring local farmers whose produce was going to waste. Now, 1,000 farmers, most of whom are women, have been helped to supply local hotels. At the same time, the country’s travel foundation, one of the funding organizations, and the initiative have launched their own farmyardto demonstrate best practice and to become a tourist attraction on its own merits. Taking tourists to the farmyard, for example, is one way in which they can see how their contribution to sustainability is working.
