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리딩파워 유형편 12강 본문


리딩파워 유형편 12강

wood.forest 2021. 6. 12. 09:12



One line of research suggests that 1 how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in. Thus, if you expect to remember what you read, you have to wrestle fully with its meaning. Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading assignments. 3 In particular, it is useful to make material personally meaningful. When you read your textbooks, try to relate information to your own life and experience. For example, if youre reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.



If you ask someone to name three sports, most likely he or she will be able to answer with ease. After all, nearly everyone has an idea about what types of activities are regarded as sports and which are not. Most of us think we know what sports are. However, the line drawn between examples of sports, leisure, and play is not always clear. In fact, devising a definition that establishes clear and clean parameters around what types of activities should be included and excluded is relatively difficult to do. Activities that are regarded as play today may gain the status of sport in the future. For example, many people once played badminton in their backyards but this activity was hardly considered a sport. Since 1992, however, badminton has been an Olympic sport!



Mental rehearsal is a technique used by professionals in all fields and can be beneficial for social workers to practice as well. Mental rehearsal is the skill of picturing oneself in a situation, without actually being there. E. Scott Geller notes that the more vividly individuals can imagine themselves performing desired behaviors, the greater the beneficial impact of this technique on actual performance. It is wise for workers to utilize mental rehearsal to visualize themselves in undesirable situations. However, a worker could picture herself being locked in a home with an angry client and how she would escape from that situation. By mentally taking oneself through that circumstance and imagining what one would do in that situation, the body and mind are more likely to respond favorably, rather than to freeze, if that situation were to ever occur. Consequently, the worker would be more prepared to respond to that unsafe scenario by having practiced the response during the mental rehearsal.



Although the development of smiling and laughter is similar across cultures, the behaviors that parents use to elicit smiling do vary. For example, American mothers rely largely on toys and objects to elicit smiling from their infants, whereas Japanese mothers are likely to engage infants in social stimulation. Mothers in both cultures are equally effective in eliciting these smiles, but they do it in different ways (using toys versus using touch or physical contact) because of different culture-based parenting goals. In the United States, mothers place high value on promoting autonomy and independent exploration of the object world. Japanese mothers, in contrast, place high value on strengthening mutual dependency and making the infant an extension of themselves. Thus, they engage their infants differently.



The well-known problem of test anxiety illustrates how emotional arousal can hurt performance. Often students who score poorly on an exam will nonetheless insist that they know the material. Many of them are probably telling the truth. Researchers have found a negative correlation between test-related anxiety and exam performance. That is, students who display high test anxiety tend to score low on exams. Test anxiety can interfere with test taking in several ways, but one critical consideration appears to be the disruption of attention to the test. Many test-anxious students waste too much time worrying about how theyre doing and wondering whether others are having similar problems. In addition, there is evidence that test anxiety may deplete ones capacity for self-control, increasing the likelihood of poor performance. In other words, once distracted, test-anxious students might not have the self-control to get themselves back on course.



Until a few decades ago, most of the worlds coffee and cocoa were shade-grown under a canopy of large forest trees. Recently, however , new varieties of both crops have been developed that can be grown in full sun. Because more coffee or cocoa trees can be crowded into these fields, and they get more solar energy than in a shaded plantation, yields for sun-grown crops are higher. There are costs, however, in this new technology. Sun-grown trees die earlier from the stress and diseases common in these fields. Furthermore, scientists have found that the number of bird species can be cut in half in full-sun plantations, and the number of individual birds may be reduced by 90 percent. Shade-grown coffee and cocoa generally require fewer pesticides because the birds and insects residing in the forest canopy eat many of the pests.
