목록부교재 (109)
나무 숲

5강 1 If you have become much less active, spending a lot of time alone focused on feeling depressed, think about activities that engage your attention and that require a moderate level of concentration and effort. Driving, for example, is probably not ideal, because it is such an automatic behavioral sequence for most people that it siphons off only a small amount of attention. Something like st..

4강 1 Opera is conventional. Nobody sings all the time in the real world. Nobody has an orchestra that begins to play whenever he feels emotional. Conventions are of course necessary in the theater, and even more so in opera. We like conventions, provided that we understand, accept, and desire them. Conventions are simply the result of participants’ agreeing on the rules, of simplifying a complex..

3강 1 If you find it difficult to stay wise-minded when your teen is rude, it’s no surprise. The deck is stacked against you because of several inescapable facts of normal teenage behavior. For one thing, teens often try to pick a fight. That’s because, in the chaos and uncertainty of adolescence, parents are a secure base—sort of like the eye of a storm. Teens want to discharge the garbage of th..

1강 1 It will never be possible to establish the origins of human music with any certainty; however, it seems probable that music developed from the prosodic exchanges between mother and infant which foster the bond between them. From this, it became a form of communication between adult human beings. As the capacity for speech and conceptual thought developed, music became less important as a wa..

2강 1 Your comfort zone is like an invisible barrier around you, inside which if you stay, you feel comfortable. Your comfort zone and your confidence are linked together. Step outside it and you feel uncomfortable and fearful. However, your comfort zone is not fixed. If you constantly stay within your comfort zone it shrinks, filling you with fear of what is outside it, and then your confidence ..

20강 1 For over a million years humans lived in small, mobile groups gathering their food from the wild and hunting animals. When resources permitted, they came together in larger groups and occasionally, when they could rely on particularly rich sources of food, they became semi‑sedentary. Then, in a relatively short period of time after the end of the last ice age, about 10,000 BCE, this stable..

21강 1 One possible disaster resulting from warmer temperatures in northern areas is a potential tipping point associated with the Greenland ice sheet. The “Atlantic conveyor belt” consists of warm water moving up the eastern coast of North America as the Gulf Stream and then sinking 10,000 feet near Greenland and moving back to the equator, where it warms and rises again. Large amounts of freshw..

19강 1 William Allingham, poet and editor, is known mainly through a small group of poems that regularly appear in anthologies of Irish verse. In his own day, however, Allingham was well known to poets such as Robert Browning, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and Alfred Tennyson, and his work inspired later Irish poets, including W. B. Yeats and John Hewitt. He was born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, Ir..

18강 1-3 Cuoi was born to a poor family and he had to work at various jobs to provide for his family. One day, while gathering wood in the forest far from home, Cuoi came upon a tiger cub and picked it up. Then, he heard a frightful growl. It was the mother tiger. Cuoi threw the cub to the ground and scrambled in terror up into the branches of the nearest tree. A moment later the tigress came cra..

17강 1-2 Looking for patterns works because our memories are organized in terms of what psychologists call 'schema'. A schema is a familiar pattern of relationships stored in your memory. That way they form memories so strongly linked that they are recalled more or less as a single unit. This is so powerful that it doesn't just influence your way of remembering lists, it actually affects your ent..

Test2 1 Dear Mr. Chalton, Our school library is very nice, and I am proud of being a member of the library maintenance team. And as a student and a member of the team, I would like to suggest a few improvements that would make our library even better. First, a library should be a quiet place, but noise from the school cafeteria can easily be heard in the school library. Therefore, I think the li..

Test1 1 Dear Mr. Jansen We received your application for the Steven Christopher Scholarship. We sincerely appreciate your interest. Each year hundreds of students apply for the scholarship, and your outstanding academic record placed you among the finalists. However, we regret to inform you that the scholarship has been granted to someone else who has a wider experience in the industry. Consider..

12강 1 You may have noticed that people differ in the schemas they tend to use when evaluating others. College professors are often concerned with whether someone is smart, sales managers with whether someone is persuasive, and those involved in the entertainment business with whether someone has charisma. As these examples illustrate, the role of the evaluator or the context in which a target pe..

11강 1 Fos Whitlock was a successful businessman. He asked me to talk to his son, Brant. Brant was about to graduate from college and was obsessed with the idea that he had the potential to be a professional golfer. Fos asked me to meet with Brant, obviously hoping that I would steer him toward giving up his dream of being a professional golfer. After seeing Brant, I met with Fos and suggested th..

6강 1 Aging is an economic challenge because unless retirement ages are drastically increased so that older member of society can continue to contribute to the workforce (an economic imperative that has many economic benefits), the working-age population falls at the same time as the percentage of dependent elders increases. As the population ages and there are fewer young adults, purchases of bi..