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2019 ebs 수능완성 영어 3강 원문 본문
2019 수능완성 3강
Let’s Check It Out
The realization of education for sustainable development requires the positive engagement of young people with cultural diversity and complexity of social values and ways of life. A goal is to harness young people’s creative capacities for innovative problem solving and actions that will help resolve the social and cultural challenges facing today’s world. Arts education, which should involve teaching and learning of different forms of cultural and artistic expressions, can be integrated into educational systems for appropriating the potential of the arts to enhance children’s intellectual and social development. UNESCO believes that this would improve the quality of education and, at the same time, augment young people’s creative and innovative capacities and contribute to the safeguarding of cultural diversity. The arts are therefore fundamental for sustaining creative societies with diverse cultures in a prosuming world.
The major changes in eating patterns since the early twentieth century have been toward an increase in the consumption of heavily processed foods containing highly refined, extracted, chemically transformed, and reconstituted ingredients. It is only during the past decade that some of these processed ingredients and foods have begun to be studied in a more systematic manner. It was not until the early 1990s, for example, that researchers began to pay serious attention to chemically reconstituted trans-fats. Until recently, the study of the precise metabolic consequences of high sugar consumption—beyond its caloric value—has similarly been neglected. There are also few studies that examine specific highly processed food products. Instead, nutrition scientists have primarily evaluated highly processed foods on the basis of the relative quantities of the so-called good or bad nutrients they contain, such as their vitamin content or lack of fiber. But this ignores the way processing techniques may also substantially transform and damage the original “food matrix”—that is, the unique combination of food components and the way they are all held together in a whole food.
Reading books aloud to children is a powerful and motivating source for vocabulary development. We now have a large corpus of research showing that children learn words through listening to and interacting with storybooks. Nevertheless, recent studies have begun to question whether incidental instruction through book reading may be substantial enough to significantly boost children’s oral vocabulary development. Several meta-analyses, for example, have reported only small to moderate effects of book reading on vocabulary development. Suzanne E. Mol and her colleagues examined the added benefits of dialogic reading, an interactive reading strategy, on children’s vocabulary growth and reported only modest gains for 2- to 3-year old children. Further, these effects were reduced to negligible levels when children were 4 to 5 years old or when they were at risk for language and literacy impairments.
In the broad sweep of human social life, writing is a fairly recent invention: people must have been singing songs and telling tales for many thousands of years before anyone ever devised a means to record their words. We are used today to thinking of literature as something an author writes, but the earliest written works were usually versions of songs or stories that had been orally composed and transmitted. Oral compositions often work differently than purely literary works. Even after poets began to compose with stylus or pen in hand, they often adapted old oral techniques to new uses, and important elements of their work can best be understood as holdovers or creative transformations of oral techniques. Epic poems show particularly elaborate uses of oral devices, many of which were developed to aid poets in rapidly composing lines of an ongoing story, and to help illiterate performers remember a long narrative.
Why should a plant need to manufacture a large, nutritious fruit? The cost of producing a huge sapote fruit or a crop of fat figs must be considerable. It would clearly be much simpler and cheaper for the tree to drop its seeds rather than making a nutritious, fleshy envelope for them. However, an infant tree attempting to grow near its parent is subject to severe competition for light and soil, both from its parent and from its siblings, and the parent tree must minimize this wasteful competition. Many seedlings do not do well in deep shade. These plants may require the abundance of light provided by a tree fall or forest edge to survive. Only by dispersing will they find such light gaps. Parent trees also provide a resource base for herbivores and pathogens. Any seedling that tries to grow in the shadow of its parent might have to face high risks of predation and disease. By dispersing, a juvenile tree has a chance to get beyond the cluster of predators and pathogens that may attend its parent.
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