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2019 ebs 수능완성 영어 4강 원문 본문
2019 수능완성 4강
Let’s Check It Out
If one wishes to be admitted to the presence of a work of art, one must, first of all, face it as a whole. What is it that comes across? What is the mood of the colors, the dynamics of the shapes? Before we identify any one element, the total composition makes a statement that we must not lose. We look for a theme, a key to which everything relates. If there is a subject matter, we learn as much about it as we can, for nothing an artist puts in his or her work can be neglected by the viewer with impunity. Safely guided by the structure of the whole, we then try to recognize the principal features and explore their dominion over dependent details. Gradually, the entire wealth of the work reveals itself and falls into place, and as we perceive it correctly, it begins to engage all the powers of the mind with its message.
The world is quite eager to give you a set of standards, for which you can be imaginative, if you let it. The world will tell you what is unrealistic, far-fetched, impracticable, not very sensible, and impossible. Unfortunately, many of us allow these restrictions to be placed upon our imagination. When we accept limiting beliefs, they become our boundaries; we will not imagine beyond what we perceive is a limit. While you are an imaginative being, when you imagine your potential, consider ideas, or contemplate changes that you wish to make, thoughts that fit within your beliefs are what receive your attention. Ideas that seem unbelievable, you ignore. Consequently, your imagination is bound to some degree by your beliefs, although you occasionally permit preposterous thoughts, such as daydreaming of an ideal life or fantasizing about the perfect spouse, for entertainment value.
In surveys about which sense a person would rather lose, your sight, your hearing, or your sense of smell, our chemical senses are almost universally chosen as the first sense to lose. This is only if the creators of the survey even include the sense of smell. Even when paired with the sense of touch as in “would you rather lose your sense of touch or smell,” olfaction comes in a close second. These informal surveys reflect a common thinking that olfaction is a secondary sense to living our daily lives in a modern world. Yet, as much as chemical signals are really a background sense for most of our daily lives, a simple trip into any bathroom might tell a different story as a glance around the room would reveal scented soaps, shampoos, perfume, flavored toothpaste, mouthwash, and air freshener. Walking into a kitchen would reveal shelves full of spices such as salt, pepper, cinnamon, or garlic. Without our sense of smell and taste, a potato and an apple are perceived as identical to the consumer.
Typically, as you travel around, your guide will focus on the physical characteristics or history of the city. He or she will point out buildings, monuments, sculptures, shopping centers, and parks. But what about the character or culture of the city, reflected in the day-to-day life of the people, their values and outlook on life? These aren’t the sort of topics city guides talk about. Often they can be subtle and hard to define, especially for someone who is a part of that culture. But as a tourist, you stand apart and can observe such characteristics. You only need to look closely, and begin to contrast and compare your observations with your own cultural background and other cities you have visited. Think of yourself as a visiting anthropologist or a traveler from another planet who has come to see what life in this new and unique place is really like, and you will see any city in a new, more in-depth, unforgettable way.
Through the use of digital technology, small start-ups can now rapidly position themselves as key competitors to large corporates. The computer manufacturer ASUS is a good example of this. In their book, Absolute Value, authors Itamar Simonson and Emanuel Rosen tell how a good product with competitive pricing can succeed through clever use of social media and not require huge investment in advertising. And of course, digital technology now means that it is easier than ever to manage off-shoring of production, sales processes, customer service, etc. So there are forces for increasing homogenization of businesses. Increasingly the one source of differentiation is consumer understanding. At one level, data levels the playing field, lowering the barriers to entry, allowing small brands to quickly start competing against established businesses. On the other hand, it provides new opportunities for smart organizations to understand their consumers in new ways and therefore create strategies that offer much needed differentiation in the market.
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