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ebs 단기특강 유형편 19강 본문
Day 19
기출 예제
Although the property of brain plasticity is most obvious during development, the brain remains changeable throughout the life span. It is evident that we can learn and remember information long after maturation. Furthermore, although it is not as obvious, the adult brain retains its capacity to be influenced by "general" experience. __________________, being exposed to fine wine or Pavarotti changes one's later appreciation of wine and music, even if encountered in late adulthood. The adult brain is plastic in other ways, too. For instance, one of the characteristics of normal aging is that neurons die and are not replaced. This process begins in adolescence, yet most of us will not suffer any significant cognitive loss for decades because the brain compensates for the slow neuron loss by changing its structure. __________________, although complete restoration of function is not possible, the brain has the capacity to change in response to injury in order to at least partly compensate for the damage.
Insurance companies rely on predictive theory based on statistical inference. Thus, they infer from particular facts the probability or likelihood of a general proposition. Without doing so, they could not stay in business. ____________________, by looking at the records of many individual automobile drivers, they infer general propositions, for example, that accidents are more likely to occur in large cities and drivers under the age of 18 are more likely than their elders to be involved in accidents. ____________________, in global politics, scholars look at large numbers of wars to infer whether the existence of alliances, arms races, or nondemocratic states in connected to the outbreak of war.
Retroflection is the unconscious act of turning something sharply back against oneself rather than against someone or something in the environment. For example, if a person feels angry with others for not being responsible, retroflection may prevent her from feeling nay anger at other people. ______________________, she may castigate herself for not being responsible enough. Essentially, retroflection serves as a defense against feelings or actions that one cannot direct toward the outside world. The motto of retroflection would be, "Do unto oneself rather than to unto others." _________________, retroflection, like all defenses, serves the purpose of reducing or avoiding risk. The retroflecting person cannot risk interacting with her environment in an an aggressive way. When aggression is unexpressed or unresolved, sooner or later it turns back against the person feeling it.
Experiences like depression and anxiety may have their roots in the environment, as well as in one's biology, according to evolutionary psychology. _____________________, many of our ancestors during cave-dwelling times chose to live where they could see some distance from home. They did this because they needed to be able to spot if their enemies were approaching, as well as to see if deer were nearby for food. Their need to be able to defend and feel themselves was more important than anything else to their sense of well-being. So, if they couldn't see way off to the distance or if their ability to hunt for food was inhibited, they moved on to other places that suited their needs better. ____________________, if this was not possible to do, adapting to the environment sometimes became too stressful and in-house fighting caused whole families to die out.
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