목록나무 숲 (795)
나무 숲
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 11강 G In the summer of 1972, the actor Anthony Hopkins was signed to play a leading role in a film based on George Feifer’s novel The Girl from Petrovka. That is why he traveled to London to buy a copy of the book. Unfortunately, none of the main London bookstores had a copy. Then, on his way home, waiting for an underground train at Leicester Square tube station, he saw a dis..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 13강 G In addition to controlling temperatures when handling fresh produce, control of the atmosphere is important. Some moisture is needed in the air to prevent dehydration during storage but too much moisture can encourage growth of molds. Some commercial storage units have controlled atmospheres, with the levels of both carbon dioxide and moisture being regulated carefully. ..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 12강 G Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one’s emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity. The famous twentieth-century Chinese poet and scholar Lin Yutang remarks “Our love for fatherland is largely a matter of recollection of the keen sensual pleasure of our childhood. The loyalty to Uncle Sam is the..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 10강 G Why does the “pure” acting of the movies not seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are accustomed in real life to people whose expression is more or less indistinct? Most people’s perception in these matters is not very sharp. They are not in the habit of observing closely the play of features of their fellow men — either in real life or at the movies. They are..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 9강 G The Internet allows information to flow more freely than ever before. We can communicate and share ideas in unprecedented ways. These developments are revolutionizing ourself-expression and enhancing our freedom. But there’s a problem. We’re heading toward a world where an extensive trail of information fragments about us will be forever preserved on the Internet, display..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 7강 G The graph above shows the leading outdoor watersport activities by number of participants in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2014 to 2015. In 2015, the number of participants in outdoor swimming decreased compared to the previous year. In 2015, the most popular outdoor watersport activity was coastal walking. In 2014, the number of participants in any boating activity was mo..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 6강 G With the general accessibility of photocopiers in student libraries, students tend to copy the relevant material for later use. In such cases the students are not always selective about what they copy. Often useless material is gathered that may seem important at the time but does not seem so in their study room on the night before an exam or essay due date. _____________..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 5강 G When we hear a story, we look for beliefs that are being commented upon. Any story has many possible beliefs inherent in it. But how does someone listening to a story find those beliefs? We find them by looking through the beliefs we already have. We are not as concerned with what we are hearing as we are with finding what we already know that is relevant Picture it in th..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 4강 G We say to ourselves: “There is plenty of time. I’ll manage somehow or other when the time comes for action.” We are rather proud of our ability to meet emergencies. So we do not plan and take precautions to prevent emergencies from arising. It is too easy to drift through school and college, taking the traditional, conventional studies that others take, following the line..
2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 3강 G On August 12, 1994, major league baseball players went on strike, bringing baseball to a halt for the rest of the season. The strike, which lasted 235 days, ended in April of the next year when a federal judge issued an injunction against the club owners. Just before the strike, baseball was enjoying one of the most exciting seasons in many years. The lowly Montreal Expos..
2019 수능특강 라이트 2강 G The waves were perfect for surfing. Dave, however, just could not stay on his board. He had tried more than ten times to stand up but never managed it. He felt that he would never succeed. He was about to give up when he looked at the sea one last time. The swelling waves seemed to say, “Come on, Dave. One more try!” Taking a deep breath he picked up his board and ran into the..
2019 수능특강 라이트 1강 G A few days ago, I submitted my application and recipe for the 2nd Annual DC Metro cooking Contest. However, I would like to change my recipe if it is possible I have checked the website again, but I could only find information about the contest date, time, and prizes I couldn’t see any information about changing recipes. I have just created a great new recipe, and I believe pe..
정말 어두운, 그냥 아무것도 안보이는 길을 (약간 졸면서.. 미친 ㄷㄷ 차가 별로 없어서 다행이었다) 달렸다.. 오직 반사판과 헤드라이트에 의지해서.. 왕복 2차로 맞은편에서 차라도 오면 상대의 헤드라이트 때문에 중앙선이 안보여서 너무너무너무너무너무너무너무너무너무너무너무 무서웠다. 어째저째 도착한 숙소는 출발하기 전날 booking.com을 통해서 예매한 곳이었다. 와 그런데 진짜 너무 좋은 것이다.. ㅠㅠ 다음에도 무조건 여기에 오고 싶을 만큼!! 강력 추천 이유는 모르겠지만 사진이 별로 없다.. 요세미티 숙소, Virginia Creek Settlement 시기상으로 할로윈이었는데, 화려하게 장식된 바깥에 일단.. 취했음 Restaurant와 Hotel을 겸하는 곳이어서 카운터에서 쳌인아웃 / 식사 ..
Day8 기출 예제 Jack stopped the cycle of perfectionism that his son mark was developing. Mark could not stand to lose at games by the time he was eight years old. Jack was contributing to Mark’s attitude by always letting him win at chess because he didn’t like to see Mark get upset and cry. One day, Jack realized it was more important to allow Mark some experience with losing, so he started winning..
유형독해 모의고사 1 1 Dear Mr.Mitchell, Your letter describing your unpleasant work environment sounds as if you are experiencing a lot of frustration. I certainly understand your disappointment in not receiving a salary increase for the past three years, especially since your performance evaluations indicate that your work is better than satisfactory. You asked for advice about accepting a better-payin..