목록나무 숲 (789)
나무 숲
13강 1 The performance of individuals in your reference groups can affect your self‑esteem. For example, if being good at science is important to you, knowing that someone in your reference group always scores much higher than you on science tests can lower your self‑esteem. To protect their self‑esteem and make themselves feel better, people sometimes compare themselves with those who are not as..
11강 1 Many people are uncomfortable about sharing their values. They view the individual as the sole judge of what is right and what is wrong. This thinking leads to a personal and situational view of ethics, namely, “what I do is my own business.” In this kind of culture, it is difficult to confront people when their values differ from those of the organization. In the book Habits of the Heart,..
10강 1 Social loafing is thought to occur because of a diffusion of responsibility in groups. When group members work together on a single task and it is difficult to determine who is working hard and who is not, responsibility for the outcome is diffused—or shared—over the entire group. Whether the outcome is considered a success or a failure, group members share the credit relatively equally. T..
9강 1 Multilingual realities arise in a number of ways. Immigrants, whether settlers or invaders, bring languages into contact and sometimes, as with imperialist and colonial expansion, it is unnecessary for many people to physically move; their language may make its presence felt through military, religious, or economic force requiring relatively small numbers of soldiers, merchants, bureaucrats..
8강 1 Nhoma Safari Camp is a tented camp in the remote northeast of Namibia, the ancestral land of the Ju/’hoansi Bushmen, offering an intensive and authentic Bushman experience. The accommodation is comfortable and consists of ten safari tents with bathrooms and hot‑water showers. In the mornings guests go hunting with the tribal hunters, looking for springhare and porcupine or foraging for veld..
6강 1 Many of us tend to feel uncomfortable making requests of anyone beyond our “inner circle” of family and close friends. But in doing so we vastly underestimate the responsiveness of “weak ties”—our acquaintances and people we don’t know very well. Weak ties are extremely valuable because they are the bridges between social circles. Novel information, new solutions to problems, and other reso..
5강 1 Our addiction to criticizing others is a huge block to effectively giving feedback. When we criticize, even if we choose our words with care, we are likely to assign others to a specific, potentially harmful, status. We are likely to assign others, for instance, to the status of being “wrong.” No one likes to be labeled “wrong.” Most people get defensive when they are labeled, even when sur..
4강 1 Unless we are very, very careful, we doom each other by holding onto images of one another based on preconceptions that are in turn based on indifference to what is other than ourselves. This indifference can be, in its extreme, a form of murder and seems to me a rather common phenomenon. We claim autonomy for ourselves and forget that in so doing we can fall into the tyranny of defining ot..
3강 1 We are often told that there is no innovation without competition, which is absurd given that most of the greatest innovations in science and technology have resulted from the sharing of research across academic silos, national borders, and language barriers. In truth, no great innovations occur in isolation. Personally, I have been asked to sign an awfully large number of nondisclosure agr..
2강 1 Just as I was approaching thirty, I was offered a sponsorship to go to the Ladies Professional Golf Association in the USA and attend their qualifying school. But I was very concerned about my family rather than thinking it was a good opportunity. If I accepted the sponsorship offer, I couldn’t continue to work for Mom, to help her out and to earn us some extra income between amateur golf t..
1강 1 Can’t leave the office or home to volunteer? No problem. Like almost everything these days, there is also a way to volunteer and help others out from the comfort of your living room couch or office chair. Many organizations need help with administrative tasks that can be completed digitally. If you are a computer whiz and are working at a job where you are supposed to look busy even when yo..
Chrome bookmark extension 개발기 (1) 을 통해 생각보다 간단하게 북마크 폴더/Url 추가 동작이 구현되었다. 그런데 구글 북마크를 생각해보면 북마크 팝업 페이지가 열릴 때 페이지 Title, Url이 기본으로 채워져 있다. 그래서 해당 기능을 구현하고자 했다. 시행착오 1. 아래와 같은 값을 디폴트로 세팅하면 될줄알았는데 안됐다. 항상 해당 탭의 최초 페이지에 대한 값만 불러와졌다. 팀 회의 및 리뷰를 통해 Extension이기 때문에 다른 api가 있을 수 있겠다고 결론내렸다. => 검색결과 Tab api가 있었다. Title = document.title Url = window.location.href 2. UseRef를 사용해보려다가 UseState로도 충분하다는걸 알고 Us..
Windows File Explorer에서 마우스 우클릭하면 해당 위치에서 Git bash를 열 수 있었다. 따로 뭔가 설정을 한 건 아닌데 언젠가부터 해당 메뉴가 안보였다. 검색해보니 메뉴(Context menu)를 설정하여 추가할 수 있길래 해당 글 참고하여 설정했다. 방법은 다양하고 간단한게 많은데, 내가 사용한 방법은 이렇다. 1. Windows+R 해서 regedit을 실행한다. 2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell 로 이동한다. shell key가 없다면 새로 만든다. 3. shell 마우스 우클릭 -> New-Key 선택 -> Key 이름을 Bash로 설정 4. Context menu에 나타날 텍스트를 설정한다. ..
처음에 '플립'이라는 한글제목만 봤을때는 아무 생각이 없다가 영화 다보고 Flipped 의미 그대로의 의 내용이었다는걸 알았따. 엄청 자주 추천되기도 하고 재개봉도 할 정도로 인기있는 영화인데 내용도 재미있지만 의상이 예쁜 걸로도 유명하다. 장르가 하이틴이라기보다는 순수..? 하고 성장하는 인간적인 내용이라고 생각한다 ㅎㅎ - movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=76309
상받을거같아서 유명하다는거만 알고있었고.. 제목이 소박(?)해서 큰 기대는 없이 봤는데 생각보다 너무 재미있었다!!! 배경(풍경)이 너무 예뻤다. 그리고 인상깊었던건.. 리얼리티라고 해야할지 너무 현실적인 느낌이었다는것! 서구적이면서도 한국적이고 (미국으로 이민간 한국인) 거기에서 또 살아남는게 결코 쉽지 않음을 담담하게 보여주는데 그게 무서울 지경이다.. 그리고 아역 애기들이 진짜 엄마아빠 (한예리, 스티븐연) 너무 닮아서 귀여웠다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 벌써 끝이야?! 싶게 몰입했던 영화였다.. 캬 - movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=187310