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ebs 단기특강 유형편 5강 원문 본문


ebs 단기특강 유형편 5강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 5. 16. 12:24

ebs단기특강 유형편 5강.hwp




Too many companies advertise their new products as if their competitors [existed/ did not exist]. They advertise their products in a vacuum and are [pleasant/disappointed] when their messages fail to get through. Introducing a new product category is [difficult/easy], especially if the new category is not [matched/ contrasted] against the old one. Consumers do not usually pay attention to what’s new and different unless it’s [unrelated/ related] to the old. That’s [because/ why] if you have a truly new product, it’soften better to say what the product is not, rather than what it is. [However/ For example], the first automobile was called a “horseless” carriage, a name which allowed the public to understand the concept [along with/ against] the existing mode of transportation.



As you acquire more education and gain more career experience, you will find that your desires will change. So, just go with the flow. As long as you are happy with what you are doing, you are doing just [bad/ fine]. [However/ Hence], when you have self-actualized in a certain job or career field and you feel it is time to get on a new learning curve, then, go [against/ for it]! That’s what I’ve done throughout my career. I tried many things... some I liked and some I didn’t like so much. [However/Therefore], I had [a problem/ fun] all along the journey. The journey isn’t over yet. I have 37 more years to gobefore I reach 100.



Many people list financial or organizational success as goals. Some list promotion or higher positions in their companies as goals. I want you to think about how much control you have over those things. Consider, [in addition/ for example], the goal of being hired or promoted to a particular position. You don’t have control over the other people who are applying for the job, but you do have control over your own education and preparation for the position. You have control over your preparation for the interview. You can choose to improve your interpersonal relationships. You have control over what you wear and your general appearance. All of these things may have an effect on the choice the decision makers come to regarding who will receive the job or promotion, or their choice may simply boil down to selecting the candidate who they believe shares their values.



There’s [some / no] question that difficult people are a pain to be around — especially coworkers whom you see day after day after day. They create hostility, uneasiness, and problems. Half the time, they are the problem. And you may [like/ not like] them. [But/So] in the end, all that matters is how they affect your work and your unit’s work. [But/ So] when [harmonizing/ confronting] these people, conjure a vision of how the [imperfect/ perfect] situation would look. That vision could be small scale, like that guy who’s always interrupting meetings. Your vision: to sit through meetings from beginning to end without interruptions. [And/ Or] the vision could be large scale: for your unit to meet all of its financial goals, get great bonuses and extra paid time off, and have a friendly, energetic work environment... then, when you’re communicating with the difficult person, connect his or her behavior to that vision. This will turn a [praise/ complaint] into a serious work issue.

