목록부교재 (109)
나무 숲

24강 1 Major long-term threats to deep-sea fishes, as with all life on the planet, derive from trends of global climate change. Although deep-sea fishes are generally coldwater species, warming of the oceans itself may not be a direct threat. Many of the deep-sea fishes originated during the early Cretaceous when the deep sea was warm, and the Mediterranean Sea, which is warm down to a depth of o..

23강 1 While the transportation infrastructure may shape where we travel today, in the early eras of travel, it determined whether people could travel at all. The development and improvement of transportation was one of the most important factors in allowing modern tourism to develop on a large scale and become a regular part of the lives of billions of people around the world. Technological adva..

22강 1 Among the most fascinating natural temperature-regulating behaviors are those of social insects such as bees and ants. These insects are able to maintain a nearly constant temperature in their hives or mounds throughout the year. The constancy of these microclimates depends not just on the location and insulation of the habitat, but on the activity of the insects in the colony. When the su..

21강 1 Some city planning experts called for legislation against texting while walking that would be followed by a deep change of norms. This recommendation is based on the assumption that this change is welcomed, but laws banning texting while walking failed in Toronto, Arkansas, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey and New York. Meanwhile, high-tech firms are developing technological solutions to the p..

20강 1 In one experiment, children were told they could have one marshmallow treat if they chose to eat it immediately, but two treats if they waited. Most of the children, who ranged in age from 4 to 8, chose to wait, but the strategies they used differed significantly. The 4-year-olds often chose to look at the marshmallows while waiting, a strategy that was not terribly effective. In contrast,..

3강 1 Human beings are driven by a natural desire to form and maintain interpersonal relationships. From this perspective, people seek relationships with others to fill a fundamental need, and this need underlies many emotions, actions, and decisions throughout life. Probably, the need to belong is a product of human beings’ evolutionary history as a social species. Human beings have long depende..

2강 1 Many people think of what might happen in the future based on past failures and get trapped by them. For example, if you have failed in a certain area before, when faced with the same situation, you anticipate what might happen in the future, and thus fear traps you in yesterday. Do not base your decision on what yesterday was. Your future is not your past and you have a better future. You ..

1강 1 Dear Ms. Diane Edwards, I am a teacher working at East End High School. I have read from your notice that the East End Seaport Museum is now offering a special program, the 2017 Bug Lighthouse Experience. The program would be a great opportunity for our students to have fun and experience something new. I estimate that 50 students and teachers from our school would like to participate in it..

22강 1 The people who came before you invented science because your natural way of understanding and explaining what you experience is terrible. When you have zero evidence, every assumption is basically equal. You prefer to see causes rather than effects, signals in the noise, patterns in the randomness. You prefer easy‑to‑understand stories, and thus turn everything in life into a narrative so ..

12강 1 Clutter beats us up psychologically and physically. It clouds our minds, making it difficult to access what truly matters in our lives. According to Ab Jackson, a fellow organizer, “Are you a person that buys things that you don’t need, with money that you don’t have, to impress people that you don’t even like?” Sound familiar? How reassuring would it be to get organized in a way that not ..

11강 1 To many people, having a goal is synonymous with commitment, and commitment to a goal—in turn—is nearly synonymous with success. Legendary boxer Muhammad Ali once remarked, “I hated every minute of training but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” And there you have it—the clear sentiment that doubling down on goals is more likely to lead to succe..

10강 1 One of the great risks of writing is that even the simplest of choices regarding wording or punctuation can sometimes prejudice your audience against you in ways that may seem unfair. For example, look again at the old grammar rule forbidding the splitting of infinitives. After decades of telling students to never split an infinitive (something just done in this sentence), most composition..

9강 1 Scientists hope to someday establish beyond a doubt that aging and all the nefarious things that go with it can be indefinitely postponed simply by reducing the amount of food and calories we consume. Take note that in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, maintaining an ideal weight may not be enough. Studies have shown that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease is more closely linked to calori..

6강 1 In the 1990s the Internet became the newest entrant in the baby advice field. Major manufacturers of baby equipment as well as the neighbor down the street set up Web sites to help parents care for their babies. Chat rooms brought mothers from all around the country together online to discuss, question, and support each other. The Internet meant that the speed of information available to mo..