목록ebs단기특강유형 (18)
나무 숲

3강 1 Human beings are driven by a natural desire to form and maintain interpersonal relationships. From this perspective, people seek relationships with others to fill a fundamental need, and this need underlies many emotions, actions, and decisions throughout life. Probably, the need to belong is a product of human beings’ evolutionary history as a social species. Human beings have long depende..

2강 1 Many people think of what might happen in the future based on past failures and get trapped by them. For example, if you have failed in a certain area before, when faced with the same situation, you anticipate what might happen in the future, and thus fear traps you in yesterday. Do not base your decision on what yesterday was. Your future is not your past and you have a better future. You ..

1강 1 Dear Ms. Diane Edwards, I am a teacher working at East End High School. I have read from your notice that the East End Seaport Museum is now offering a special program, the 2017 Bug Lighthouse Experience. The program would be a great opportunity for our students to have fun and experience something new. I estimate that 50 students and teachers from our school would like to participate in it..

Day 28 기출 예제 Think of the most famous scientists you know- Issac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Pierre and Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, and so on. What do all these people have in common? Well, for one thing, they're all very smart. In some cases they even taught themselves most of what they knew about their particular subject. In fact, Sir Issac Newton had to invent a n..

Day 26 기출 예제 Crows are a remarkably clever family of birds. They are capable of solving many more complex problems compared to other birds, such as chickens. After hatching, chickens peck busily for their own food much faster than crows, which rely on the parent bird to bring them food in the nest. However, as adults, chickens have very limited hunting skills whereas crows are much more flexible..

Day 25 기출 예제 Yet libraries must still provide quietness for study and reading, because many of our students want a quiet study environment. Acoustic concerns in school libraries are much more important and complex today than they were in the past. (①) Years ago, before electronic resources were such a vital part of the library environment, we had only to deal with noise produced by people. (②) T..

Day 24 1 When we say that people work toward creating and sustaining meaning, we are suggesting that there must be some shared meaning for interpersonal communication to take place. A) Therefore, cultural expressions such as TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) may not communicate the same meaning to all people, even when accurately translated. B) However, because meaning is affected by culture in more ..

Day 23 기출 예제 1 The fact is that children, even those who share biological parents and are raised in the same environment, differ on many dimensions. And children themselves recognize these differences early in development. A) In other words, the unique characteristics that differentiate children in turn get represented and reinforced in the culture. B) At this point in time, children become keen..

Day 21 기출 예제 In addition to controlling temperatures when handling fresh produce, control of the atmosphere is important. ①Some moisture is needed in the air to prevent dehydration during storage, but too much moisture can encourage growth of molds. ②Some commercial storage units have controlled atmospheres, with the levels of both carbon dioxide and moisture being regulated carefully. ③Though l..

Day 19 기출 예제 Although the property of brain plasticity is most obvious during development, the brain remains changeable throughout the life span. It is evident that we can learn and remember information long after maturation. Furthermore, although it is not as obvious, the adult brain retains its capacity to be influenced by "general" experience. __________________, being exposed to fine wine or..

Day 18 1 Control breeds its own necessity. So, when we treat land with heavy pesticides, the superweeds and superbugs that emerge require new and even stronger doses of pesticides. When someone goes on a diet and attempts to control her urge to eat, at some point the suppressed desire explodes outward as a binge, prompting further attempts to control herself. And when human beings are boxed in, ..

Day 17 1 There are instances of nonhuman primate deception that occur to simply avoid punishment. In one instance, researchers observed a young baboon, in an attempt to prevent a physical punishment from his mother, looking intently to the horizon as if an enemy or predator was on its way -fooling his entire troop, including his mother, into frenzy and successfully escaping his punishment. Savan..

Day 16 1 The Greek city-state had an interesting way of calling citizens together when a vote for some type of action was needed. If, for example, one city-state was marching against another to do battle, a person would walk the streets blowing a horn, announcing that all should gather in the amphitheater just outside of town. When the citizens of the city heard this, they would close up their s..

Day 15 기출 One outcome of motivation is behavior that takes considerable effort. For example, if you are motivated to buy a good car, you will research vehicles online, look at ads, visit dealerships, and so on. Likewise, if you are motivated to lose weight, you will buy low-fat foods, eat smaller portions, and exercise. Motivation not only drives the final behaviors that bring a goal closer but ..
Day8 기출 예제 Jack stopped the cycle of perfectionism that his son mark was developing. Mark could not stand to lose at games by the time he was eight years old. Jack was contributing to Mark’s attitude by always letting him win at chess because he didn’t like to see Mark get upset and cry. One day, Jack realized it was more important to allow Mark some experience with losing, so he started winning..