목록2019수능특강 (16)
나무 숲

1 The tension between peace and justice is especially apparent in the extreme case of tyrannical governments. Such governments use the state’s legal and political systems to violate fundamental economic, political, and social rights of subordinate groups. Therefore, these systems cannot be used effectively to obtain justice. Negotiation is similarly unlikely to be effective, as dominant groups w..

1 The people of every culture have pondered their origins and the origins of the cosmos. What is this space around us? Where did we come from? It is no mistake that these questions—questions that many of us asked as children—remain some of the most pressing in science. Questions like these point both to our innate curiosity about our origins and, as questions do, to the limits of our knowledge. ..

1 Dear Neighbor, The Forest Preserves of Winnebago County will be conducting spring prescribed burning from now through the end of April. Fall prescribed burning will be conducted from the beginning of October through the end of November. A prescribed burn is a management technique used by trained and experienced professionals to control unwanted vegetation. Burning is a very economical and effi..

1 Dear Dr. Jackson: Two colleagues and I have completed a survey of 500 staff nurses in long-term care throughout the United States. We asked about their knowledge and information needs regarding long-term care federal rules and regulations. A manuscript titled “Nurses’ Knowledge and Information Needs Regarding Long-Term Care Federal Regulations” is in process. The manuscript details the results..

수능특강 영어 25강 1 Communication is not merely a matter of producing effects on other communicators; it is one of actually engaging with them. Communicating is a kind of sharing. When two people communicate (rather than “talk at each other”), they come to have something in common. They must start with something in common, too, even if this is only the language they share. Communication does not deman..

수능특강 영어 24강 1 Why must we keep insisting that education is primarily academic in nature? Why is there a hierarchical structure of education that places academia at the top and the arts at the bottom? Learning takes many forms. Children do not all learn in the same way. You cannot seat them all behind desks in a classroom, dictate information to them and expect them to absorb all of it like a spo..

22강 1 When traveling into the wilderness, the type of gear you carry can either help or hinder your efforts. Specific gear will depend on many factors, which include the environment, weight, and cost. Whenever possible, try to bring gear that has multiple uses. A durable space blanket is a good example: It can be used as an added layer of clothing, a signal (orange side in winter; silver side in..

23강 1 With the changes to open collaborative workstations and planning from cubicles, issues of privacy, noise, and loss of work focus have impacted the planning process in recent years. Many employees have complained that the very open workstation plans and integral collaborative spaces make concentration difficult. This is not to say that companies all want to go back to cubicles and private o..

21강 1 As pretty as the orchids they pollinate, orchid bees come in a brightly colored array of brilliant and metallic blues, greens, and purples. These bees are not social like honeybees—they are typically solitary in nesting, with no division of labor and little communal activity. The males leave the nest shortly after birth and never return, spending their lives collecting flower fragrances th..

20강 1 There are some renewable energy technologies that are only controversially considered alternative, and they include nuclear power and hydropower. Both nuclear power and hydropower are emission-free, and so alleviate the most common negative consequence of fossil-fuel-based energy production, air pollution. However, they suffer from other environmental problems that make them unattractive t..

19강 1 Nothing addresses our need to fit in with others as profoundly as traditions. Traditions satisfy our deep emotional needs for belonging and create bonds not easily swayed. Developed over time in a country, community, or family, traditions are the foundation of a culture. While a ritual is time alone with the soul, traditions are the bonding glue of a group. When we participate in a traditi..

18강 1 Dorothea Lange’s oeuvre constitutes one of the most moving and committed contributions to the social documentary photography in the 20th century. After studying at Columbia University in New York, she started out as an independent portrait photographer in San Francisco. Shocked by the number of homeless people in search of work during the Great Depression, she decided to take pictures of p..

1 An experience can be a particularly useful tool, but overexposure to something can develop an individual’s mental baggage. When mental baggage is prevalent it can be difficult to consider any other creative direction other than that of the overfamiliar, and it can be arduous to persuade others to explore an alternative path when they also have a preconceived notion of what the product is. It i..

1 Is peak oil a certainty? History is littered with energy predictions that have failed to come true. Some have been overly optimistic─nuclear powered cars, electricity too cheap to meter, oil at $20 per barrel in 2011. Others have been overly pessimistic─a worldwide peak of oil in the 1970s, for example. High oil prices motivate more drilling and exploration. They make resources that weren't pr..

14 문단 속에 문장 넣기 Gateway The advent of literacy and the creation of handwritten scrolls and, eventually, handwritten books strengthened the ability of large and complex ideas to spread with high fidelity. The printing press boosted the power of ideas to copy themselves. Prior to low-cost printing, ideas could and did spread by word of mouth. While this was tremendously powerful, it limited the com..