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수능특강 라이트light 13강 원문 본문


수능특강 라이트light 13강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 6. 16. 12:14

수능특강라이트 13강.hwp


Unit 13 무관한 문장 찾기

Scientific experiments should be designed to show that your hypothesis is wrong and should be conducted completely objectively with no possible subjective influence on the outcome. Unfortunately few, if any, scientists are truly objective as they have often decided long before the experiment is begun what they would like the result to be. This means that very often bias is (unintentionally) introduced into the experiment, the experimental procedure or the interpretation of results. It is all too easy to justify to yourself why an experiment which does not fit with your expectations should be ignored, and why one which provides the results you 'hoped for' is the right one. This can be partly avoided by conducting experiments 'blinded' and by asking others to check your data or repeat experiments.



There is no denying that friendship on the job usually interferes with performance. It is natural to want to employ your friends when you find yourself in time of need because you know them and cannot depend on a stranger. However, truth be told, you do not know your friends as well as you imagine. The more favours and gifts you supply to your friends, the less gratitude you receive. It has been discovered that when some of your friends who directly report to you become your best friends, you might sometimes need to tolerate poor performance in order to maintain healthy relationships.



Many folks feed birds by putting out store-bought seeds, but a better way to provide food is via your wildlife plantings. If you can grow a variety of plants so that seeds and fruits are available year-round, it will be easier for both you and the birds. Then, even if you are not home, the birds will be provided for. And you will not feel the need to trudge out to the feeder during a snowstorm if the birds can find food in your wildlife garden. Therefore, when planning your garden, grow a variety of plants whose fruits or seeds ripen from early spring to fall. Some late-bearing plants will hold on to their fruits and seeds well into winter, which is extremely important because this is the most difficult time of year for all animals to find food.



Any factor that greatly affects human emotions can be effectively used as a strong political tool. Many times, throughout history, religion has been this factor. In a more modern example, we see that sports were not only used for political ends in ancient history, but they continue to be used this way even in modern times. For instance, when Hitler rose to power in Germany, he claimed that the German race was the most supreme race in the world. As he tried to use every means available to convince the world of his views, sports were not an exception. However, America was eager to prove him wrong, and in addition to the battlefield, the two opponents waged war in the sports arena.



Film resembles theater in several ways, but it does not serve the same need as theater. Why do we prefer to attend our children's weddings in person, when we could stay at home and watch a videotape or a DVD of the event? Why pay a high price for tickets to the big game, drive for hours, and then burn in the hot sun on a hard stadium seat, when you could see the game closer up on TV? Theater is immediate, its actions present to participants and audience. And in the theater you are part of a community of watchers, while in a cinema you are alone, or alone with your partner, whose hand you squeeze from time to time.
