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컨셉 유형독해 14강 원문 본문


컨셉 유형독해 14강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 6. 20. 12:11

컨셉 유형독해 14강.hwp


14강 문단 속에 문장 넣기

An incident in Japan in the 1950s alerted the world to the potential problems of organic mercury in fish. Factories were discharging mercury into the waters of Minamata Bay, which also harbored a commercial fishing industry. Mercury was being bioaccumulated in the fish tissue and severe mercury poisoning occurred in many people who consumed the fish. The disabling neurological symptoms were subsequently called Minamata disease. Control over direct discharge of mercury from industrial operations is clearly needed for prevention. However, it is not recognized that traces of mercury can appear in lakes far removed from any such industrial discharge. It is postulated that such contamination may result from airborne transport from remote power plants or municipal incinerators. Strictly controlled emission standards for such sources are needed to minimize this problem. Fish advisories have been issued for many lakes in the United States; these recommend limits on the number of times per month particular species of fish should be consumed.


배운대로 적용

The promotion of equality has not always been a major objective of government. It gained prominence only in the twentieth century, in the aftermath of industrialization and urbanization. Confronted by the paradox of poverty amid plenty, some political leaders in European nations pioneered extensive government programs to improve life for the poor. Under the emerging concept of the welfare state, government's role expanded to provide individuals with medical care, education, and a guaranteed income "from candle to grave." Sweden Britain, and other nations adopted welfare programs aimed at reducing social inequalities. This relatively new purpose of government is by far its most controversial aspect. People often oppose taxation for public goods (building roads and schools, for example) because of the high costs. Many strongly oppose taxation for government programs to promote economic and social equality on the principle that "big government" is bad.


배운대로 풀어보자


But instead of allowing despair and worry to set in, Prime Minister Winston Churchill turned the bombing campaign to his advantage as an opportuity to rally and unify the British people.


In 1994, near the end of World War 2, the City of London was subjected to a fierce campaign of terror from Germany's V-1 and V-2 rockets. (①) It was an act of desperation that Hitler hoped would spread internal division and paralyze the will of the British public to continue the war. (②) Over six thousand people were killed, many more were injured, and millions of homes were damaged or destroyed. (③) He designed his speeches and policies to calm panic and relieve anxiety. (④) Instead of drawing attention to the V-1 attacks or to the more dreaded V-2s, he emphasized the need to stay resolved. (⑤) The English would not give Germany the satisfaction of seeing them bow to such terror.



This is done by evaporation, which takes place because of the heat of the hive, and by ventilation.


The whole process of making honey is a way of storing up food for the bee colony. The first thing a bee does is visit flowers and drink the nectar. (①) Then it carries the nectar home in the honey sac, which is a baglike enlargement of the digestive tract just in front of the bee's stomach. (②) There is a valve that separates this section from the stomach. The first step in the making of the honey takes place while the nectar is in the bee's honey sac. (③) The sugars found in the nectar undergo a chemical change there. The next step is to remove a large part of the water from the nectar. (④) Honey stored in the honeycombs by honeybees has so much water removed from the original nectar that it will keep almost forever! (⑤) The honey is put into honeycombs to ripen, and to serve as the future food supply for the colony.



To a large degree this is due to an imbalance in our educational systems, which tend to target critical thinking skills almost to the exclusion of creative thinking ones.


Creative thinking is a magical ability, which can both enhance our lives on a personal level and move us into another reality or way of seeing the world. (①) Until quite recent times it was still widely believed to be some sort of supernatural gift bestowed on only a few artists, musicians and scientists. (②) Of course today we now know that this is just a myth and that almost everyone is born with the potential to be creative. (③) But whether it blooms, withers or remains dormant is still very much dependent on luck. (④) The unfortunate outcome of this is that our creative potential remains almost entirely forgotten and untapped. (⑤) Albert Einstein said something really interesting about the problem: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant."



