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2019수능특강 영어 18강 본문 본문


2019수능특강 영어 18강 본문

wood.forest 2019. 9. 7. 11:52


수능특강 영어 18강.hwp



Dorothea Lange’s oeuvre constitutes one of the most moving and committed contributions to the social documentary photography in the 20th century. After studying at Columbia University in New York, she started out as an independent portrait photographer in San Francisco. Shocked by the number of homeless people in search of work during the Great Depression, she decided to take pictures of people in the street to draw attention to their plight. In 1935, she joined the Farm Security Administration (FSA) and reported on living conditions in the rural areas of the USA. In a direct manner, she documented the bitter poverty of migrant workers and their families. One of the most famous photographs of the FSA project is Migrant Mother, the portrait of a Californian migrant worker with her three children. This highly concentrated image has made Dorothea Lange an icon of socially committed photography.



While practicing the martial art wing-chun, Joe Hyams was accidentally hit by a workout partner. This made him angry. His teacher, Jim Lau, noticed and spoke to him about his anger, saying that unleashing anger against another person inspires anger in return from the other person. The following weekend, Mr. Hyams went to New York, arriving early in the morning and hoping to get some rest before a business meeting. Unfortunately, his hotel room was not ready and would not be ready for another four hours, so he demanded to see the manager, then angrily confronted her. Later, after having calmed down, he apologized, and the manager said, “You really took me by surprise. I intended to do what I could for you, but when you came on so strong I forgot my good intentions and decided not to go out of my way to help you.”



It was only in 1919 when Dr. Oscar Minkowski and Dr. Joseph Merring got the first clue to the cause of diabetes. While trying to find out the possible causes of diabetes they came to a conclusion that the pancreas plays some role in causing diabetes. To confirm their finding they decided to remove the pancreas of a dog to study the after-effects on the dog. After removing the pancreas of the dog they noticed that the dog was urinating excessively. When Dr. Minkowski noticed a bunch of flies gathered on the urine he suspected the dog was diabetic and to confirm his suspicion he tested the dog’s urine for sugar. It confirmed his suspicion of the dog being diabetic as he found sugar in its urine. This finding finally linked diabetes to the pancreas.



After winning many contests, a boastful champion archer challenged an old master who was renowned for his skills. The young man flawlessly hit a distant bull’s eye, and then split that arrow with his second shot. “There,” he said to the old man, “see if you can match that!” The master motioned the young archer to follow him up a mountain. When they reached a deep chasm spanned by a rather flimsy and shaky log, the old master stepped onto the middle of the dangerous bridge, picked a far away target, drew his bow, and fired a clean, direct hit. “Now, you,” he said, as he stepped back onto the safe ground. “You have much skill with your bow,” the master said, “but you have little skill with the mind that releases the shot.”


