목록리딩파워 (4)
나무 숲
19강 1 Historical evidence points to workers being exploited by employers in the absence of appropriate laws. This means that workers are not always compensated for their contributions—for their increased productivity—as economic theory would suggest. Employers will be able to exploit workers if they are not legally controlled. Thus, the minimum wage laws may be the only way to prevent many emplo..
16강 1 In today’s marketing and advertising-soaked world, people cannot escape brands. The younger they are when they start using a brand or product, the more likely they are to keep using it for years to come. But that’s not the only reason 1 companies are aiming their marketing and advertising at younger consumers. As James U. McNeal, a professor at Texas A&M University, puts it, “Seventy-five ..
14강 1 Slang is actually quite difficult for linguists to find out about. You will have your local slang that you use in your school or in your town, and there’s no way I would ever know about it unless you told me what it was. Indeed, in your area you’ll probably have several different kinds of slang. The slang that kids use in primary school is likely to be different from what is used in second..
12강 Ex1 One line of research suggests that 1 how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in. Thus, if you expect to remember what you read, you have to wrestle fully with its meaning. Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading a..