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The상승 수능유형편 6강 TEXT 본문


The상승 수능유형편 6강 TEXT

wood.forest 2019. 6. 7. 12:06


The상승 수능유형편 6강.hwp


6강 연결사 추론

기출 깨뜨리기

Oil and gas resources are not likely to be impacted by climate change because they result from a process that takes millions of years and are geologically trapped. _____________________, climate change may not only force the shutting down of oil- and gas-producing areas, but increase the possibility of exploration in areas of the Arctic through the reduction in ice cover. Thus, while climate change may not impact these resources, oil and gas reserves and known or potential resources could be affected by new climate conditions, since climate change may affect access to these resources. In Siberia, _____________________, the actual exploration challenge is the time required to access, produce, and deliver oil under extreme environmental conditions, where temperatures in January range from -20'C to -35'C. Warming may ease extreme environmental conditions, expanding the production frontier.


이렇게도 나왔다

Fishing is the most obvious oceanbased economic activity. People in many coastal areas make their living by fishing, and fish and shellfish make up a major part of their diet. ___________________, about one billion people worldwide rely on fish as their main source of animal protein. In terms of fishing as an economic activity, the largest segment of world fisheries is commercial fishing. Fish caught by commercial fishermen include salmon, tuna, shellfish and other edible species such as squid. Consumers are used to buying these seafoods in grocery stores, restaurants, and village markets around the world. ____________________, the supply is not infinite. As the world's population swells, the demand for fishing products puts intense pressure on fish populations. The worldwide catch of ocean fish swelled from 81 million tons in 2003 to 148 million tons in 2010.




We are now in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is building upon the adoption of electronics and automated production that characterized the Third and includes technologies like cloud computing and the Internet of the Things. The rate at which this revolution is occurring is unprecedented. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, which moved at a linear pace, the Fourth is progressing exponentially. __________________, it is replacing human labor with machines and computer programs across the entire economy. While this has the potential to raise overall global income levels, it will certainly displace workers, which in turn could produce greater income inequality between these workers and corporate owners. __________________, this displacement could potentially lead to an increase in jobs that are safer and more rewarding. It's impossible to know exactly what the future holds, but history suggests that the most likely result is some combination of these two possibilities.



As trees grow year after year, they shed layers of bark that once protected them but can no longer contain their expanding bulk. _____________________, people eventually outgrow the defenses that they develop th shield themselves from certain unpleasant things in their lives. If they are not able to do this, they will fail to grow and realize their full potential. Trees rely on their tough bark to guard their delicate processes of growth and transformation from outside threats. Likewise, our defenses allow us to heal ourselves during troubled times and prepare to face the world again. But once we have fully healed and are whole again, we must discard these barriers. ____________________, we will never be able to experience the true pleasures of life.



Every time we go online and use websites like Facebook and Google, we leave a trail of data that can be used by governments, corporations, and even cyber-criminals to track our movements and online activities. ____________________, most people are unaware that this is happening, and even if they are, they probably don't know what that data is being used for. In 2014, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo and Google began releasing information about requested data, shedding light on who wants it and why. According to Facebook, government requests around the globe increased from 35,051 in the latter half of 2014 to 41,214 in the first half of 2015. US law enforcement agencies made the majority of these requests, wanting information about users' account details and IP addresses. Corporations, ______________________, want information on the content that users create and share, because it allows them to develop more effective marketing strategies.
