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ebs 단기특강 유형편 8강 원문 본문


ebs 단기특강 유형편 8강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 6. 27. 12:16

ebs 단기특강 유형편 8강.hwp



기출 예제

Jack stopped the cycle of perfectionism that his son mark was developing. Mark could not stand to lose at games by the time he was eight years old. Jack was contributing to Mark’s attitude by always letting him win at chess because he didn’t like to see Mark get upset and cry. One day, Jack realized it was more important to allow Mark some experience with losing, so he started winning at least half the games. Mark was upset at first, but soon began to win and lose with more grace. Jack felt a milestone had been reached one day when he was playing catch with Mark and threw a bad ball. Instead of getting upset about missing the ball, Mark was able to use his sense of humor and commented, “Nice throw, Dad. Lousy catch, Mark.”



Once while George Washington was on his tour inspecting the army as the commander-in-chief, he came to a site where a building was under construction. Some six soldiers were lifting a huge iron beam struggling hard as it was too heavy for them to lift. The captain of these soldiers who was supervising was shouting at them to lift it. But, he never went to help them. George Washington was surprised and annoyed at the behavior of the captain. He went to him and asked: “Why don’t you give them a helping hand?” The captain was not aware that it was his commander-in-chief talking to him. He replied: “It is their business to do the job. Not mine.” George Washington helped the soldiers and got the beam lifted. He then said to the captain: “Whenever you require my help, send for me. I, as your commander-in-chief, consider it my duty to help my men when needed!” So saying, he got on to his horse and galloped away!



A farmer needed to work his field, but his plough was broken. He decided to ask his neighbor, Murphy, who lived four fields away, knowing that Murphy finished his work early on. The farmer started to walk to his neighbor. After the first field he thought, “I hope Murphy has finished his work, otherwise he can’t help me out.” As his concern grew, the farmer thought, “Perhaps Murphy’s plough is old and almost broken. Then he will not loan it to me.” After another field, “Murphy has always been a hard one. He might just not want to help me out.” Upon arriving at Murphy’s farm, the farmer’s mind was so clouded that he thought, “That Murphy was always a mean one. He won’t help me just out of spite.” He knocked on Murphy’s door and yelled angrily, “Murphy, just keep your stupid plough!”



Rosemary noticed a young homeless woman on the street, trembling with cold, and begging for money to buy a hot cup of tea. A kind person, Rosemary bought the young homeless woman tea and food and even took her shopping until the young homeless woman tried to shoplift meat. Rosemary then took the young homeless woman home so she could sleep in bed. While the young homeless woman was sleeping, Rosemary tried to find a shelter that would take her but Rosemary had no luck due to a lack of adequate social services. Eventually, Rosemary had to leave, so she worked very hard to wake her up. Rosemary begged, “Wake up, wake up. Please wake up. Why won’t you wake up?” Finally awake, the young woman replied, “Because it’s a bed.” Later, Rosemary discovered that the young homeless woman had stolen her new camera. Would Rosemary take another person like the young homeless woman again? The answer is yes. Why? She says that someone has to.

