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컨셉 유형독해 17강 원문 본문

17강 어법 정확성 파악
Psychologists who study giving behavior have noticed that some people give substantial amounts to one or two charities, while others give small amounts to many charities. Those who donate to one or two charities seek evidence about what the charity is doing and whether it is really having a positive impact. If the evidence indicates that the charity is really helping others, they make a substantial donation. Those who give small amounts to many charities are not so interested in whether what they are doing helps giving makes them feel good, regardless of the impact of their donation. In many cases the donation is so small -$10 or less- that if they stopped to think, they would realize that the cost of processing the donation is likely to exceed any benefit it brings to the charity.
배운대로 적용하자
Brain wave studies have shown, through measurements of the relative amounts of electrical activity in various parts of the brain, that the two hemispheres work together, but that tone or the other tends to become more active for [its/their] particular kinds of tasks. During normal waking activities, the left brain seems to be generally more active, with the right brain [is/being] somewhat recessive. During sleep, however, especially during dream activity, the right hemisphere seems to become much more active, while the left hemisphere recedes into a supporting role. This seems to align with our subjective experience, [in that/which] we seem to think verbally during waking hours, but we seem to dream much more in visual images than in words.
배운대로 풀어보자
For some of you it is extremely difficult to let go of the notion that you can do everything. If you don't accept that you will be able to do some things and not others, you will never get ahead in the game. Success starts with an intention about what your priorities are and how you will spend your time. Every action you take begins with an intention, and the intention should be connected to your highest priorities. Having an intention is the first step. If you want to be a leader who communicates purpose with passion and moves an organization forward, you need to be very clear about what you want to accomplish. To think of the process of setting intentions as creating a "reset" button in your head. No matter what comes up during the day or week, if you have clear intentions, you can hit the "reset" button and decide whether to do it or not.
Countless sutides show that when patients are given a sugar pill and told that it will help alleviate some symptoms, it often does so -sometimes as [effective/effectively] as the actual drug. In a New York Times article entitled "Placebos Prove So Powerful Even Experts Are Surprised," doctors describe studies [where/which] fake hair product grew hair on balding heads and fake surgery diminished swelling in hurt knees. Indeed, an empirical review of placebo studies found that "Placebos are about 55 to 60 percent as effective as most active medications." This simple change in mindset -that is, a belief that they are taking an actual drug- is powerful enough to make the objective symptom actually [disappear/to disappear]
The patient's physical surroundings need to be cheerful. When Donna Gilbert's late husband, Dr.Spencer Gilbert, was hospitalized with what proved to be a fatal condition, she made sure to have pictures of their children and grandchildren all over the room's walls. Every day, the Gilberts' children would visit or call to tell their father of good things going on in their lives, and of cute things his grandchildren had said or done. Because of the risk of infection, visitors had to wear a mask when visiting the room. Realize that it could be demoralizing to constantly look at masks and not faces, Mrs. Gilbert, before entering the room, would knock on the door's window, so that her husband could see her face and her smile before she put on a mask. All of these things are what kept up Dr.Gilbert's spirits in the face of a highly deliberating and ultimately fatal illness.
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