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ebs 단기특강 유형편 21강 본문


ebs 단기특강 유형편 21강

wood.forest 2019. 10. 14. 12:12

ebs 단기특강 유형편 Day21.hwp

Day 21

기출 예제

In addition to controlling temperatures when handling fresh produce, control of the atmosphere is important. Some moisture is needed in the air to prevent dehydration during storage, but too much moisture can encourage growth of molds. Some commercial storage units have controlled atmospheres, with the levels of both carbon dioxide and moisture being regulated carefully. Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant. Sometimes other gases, such as ethylene gas, may be introduced at controlled levels to help achieve optimal quality of bananas and other fresh produce. Related to the control of gases and moisture is the need for some circulation of air among the stored foods.



One of the factors that explain human success is that we have expanded our concept of survival from the individual to a focus on the family of tribe. When we work as a team it becomes far easier to survive and thrive. A team of hunters can corner and kill an animal far better than one person alone. Other people, less physically strong but more skillful, can make tools and weapons. Many communities have built a culture that can override the individual survival instinct -our warriors are willing to die for the common good. But this is not a sacrifice they make for humanity as a whole. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives hime a sense of peace and joy. They are only prepared to give up their lives for the community into which they were born and to which they have pledged allegiance.



The expression, "the straw that broke the camel's back" correctly explains the change from quantity to new quality. It may seem that one additional straw could not have that effect, but at some point the weight adds up to an unbearable load. Similarly, when a glass of water is cooled by one degree at a time, it reaches a point where the liquid becomes ice, a solid with very different properties. Different materials with different properties are suited to different uses. With this understanding of change, we can look at what seems to be changing slowly at first, then suddenly becomes a very different situation. The polarization of society more and more into two classes can potentially change what has been a seemingly stagnant period into one of dramatic change.



Questionnaires are a legitimate and often highly effective tool for carrying out research in the social science. Their effectiveness is normally directly related to the amount of thought and planning that goes into the composition of the questions. These well-placed questions are invariably the result of anticipating the likely answers. This enables the questions to be fine-tuned to ensure as high a proportion of meaningful responses as possible from as few questions as possible. In other words, the questioner has to have a reasoned hypothesis about how people will respond. The primary disadvantage compared to interviews is thus that the results obtained are necessarily less rich in depth because of the more passive nature of the technique. An account of that hypothesis and the reasoning behind it in the Introduction is the ideal way to explain your logic and prepare the reader to grasp and understand the rest of the article.


