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목업폰을 노린거겠지? mockuphone.com/ MockUPhone MockUPhone is a free tool that helps you wrap app screenshots in different mobile devices. Support iPhone mockup, iPad mockup, Android mockup and TV mockup. mockuphone.com 디바이스를 선택한뒤 이미지를 넣고, 다운로드하면 원본이미지, 프레임넣은 이미지를 압축 파일로 다운받을 수 있다! 편하고 좋다
Move to next Entry if Enter key pressed 주로 회원가입 등 연속된 폼 입력을 채울 때 사용되는 스킬이다. ⚡Completed Event를 사용한다. Ex1. Move to Next Entry's End of the text NameEntry.Completed += (sender, e) => { NameEntry.Unfocus(); EmailEntry.Focus(); EmailEntry.CursorPosition = EmailEntry.Text.Length; }; EmailEntry.Completed += (sender, e) => { EmailEntry.Unfocus(); PasswordEntry.Focus(); PasswordEntry.CursorPosition = Pas..
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/08/best-practices-for-mobile-form-design/ Best Practices For Mobile Form Design — Smashing Magazine Users can be hesitant to fill out forms. That is why it is our goal as designers to make the process of filling out a form as easy as possible. In this article, I’ll share a number of practical techniques that are bound to help you design effective forms. www...