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2019수능특강 영어 24강 본문 본문


2019수능특강 영어 24강 본문

wood.forest 2019. 9. 15. 11:54

수능특강 영어 24강.hwp

수능특강 영어 24


Why must we keep insisting that education is primarily academic in nature? Why is there a hierarchical structure of education that places academia at the top and the arts at the bottom? Learning takes many forms. Children do not all learn in the same way. You cannot seat them all behind desks in a classroom, dictate information to them and expect them to absorb all of it like a sponge. Some will do well learning in this way. A great deal will not. The latter of these children prefer to learn with their bodies, with their hearts and with their imaginations. They are the dancers, the runners, the singers, the actors, and the writers. They are absolutely wonderful people who give so much joy and happiness to others, yet we do not value them as we should. Instead, we reprimand them for not fitting in with the other mob.



As society continues to rapidly change due to the evolution of a global economy and advances in technology, schools continue to function in the same way as they did 100years ago. Students, teachers, and leaders are changing as a result of the proliferation of technology in the real world. Our information society needs people who can effectively manage and use ever-increasing amounts of information to solve complex problems and to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. This presents a bit of a paradox as the concept of schools as the traditional factory model of education is incompatible with the evolving demands of the information age. Despite decades of national, state, and local promotion of educational uses of technology, classroom practice in most schools has changed little from that of the mid-20th century. This challenge is compounded by issues related to aging infrastructure, inequity in funding, and a global focus on standardization.



A common misconception among students of education is that if they pass the required courses, everything will work when they enter the classroom. However, the students you will work with are unique in time and in the environment in which you actually encounter them. Your teacher education program can prepare you for what things will be “like,” but it is only a representation of the reality you will experience. You can be prepared, but ultimately you will have to observe, assess, and adjust on your own. Although some people do seem to have a knack for teaching, what they really have is a talent for communicating. Who can criticize a nice knack like that? Yet, teaching in a school requires more than just being a good communicator. It requires being able to teach some very specific information and skills under some rather specific conditions of time, place, and available materials.



In a movie of long ago, Sleeper, the protagonist wakes up from a several-hundred-year sleep understandably malnourished and disoriented. His doctors are overheard planning a high-potency diet of sugar-laden foods for him, shaking their heads at the “primitive” beliefs that the medical establishment once held in the twenty-first century that vegetables were good for you. Now, they say, everyone knows that they cause cancer. While intended to be funny, that scene captures the dilemma you face when evaluating information and research to guide your behavior. It is not enough to hear experts tell you things unless you evaluate them for yourself. On one hand, you should exhibit healthy skepticism toward ideas that conflict with what you think you already know, or what has been grounded in your experience. Yet, on the other hand, you should force yourself to remain open to new ideas that may actually be more accurate and useful.
