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수능특강 라이트light 영어 10강 원문 본문


수능특강 라이트light 영어 10강 원문

wood.forest 2019. 5. 22. 12:22

수능특강 라이트 10강 도표 정보 글로 옮기기.hwp


10. 도표 정보 글로 옮기기


다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

The above graph shows the percentages of fruit and vegetable consumption 5 or more times per day by age group and gender in Canada in 2008. ① Most notably, in each age group, the percentage of female consumption of fruit and vegetables 5 or more times per day was higher than that of males. ② Across all age groups, less than 50 percent of males consumed fruit and vegetables 5 or more times per day. ③ Among female groups, the 25 to 34 age group showed the highest percentage; among male groups, the 12 to 17 age group did so. ④ The percentage gap between males and females in fruit and vegetable consumption 5 or more times per day was smallest in the 12 to l7 age group, and largest in the 18 to 24 age group. ⑤ The percentage of female consumption of fruit and vegetables 5 or more times per day in the 18 to 24 age group was higher than that of the 35 to 44 age group by 0.1 percentage point.




The above chart shows what percentage of adults share the same attitudes towards video games. ① About a quarter of all adults think most video games are a waste of time, while 24% don't think most games are a waste of time. ② 17% of adults think most games help develop good problem solving skills, while l6% don't think this is true. ③ Additionally, 47% think this is true of some games but not others. ④ When asked whether games promote teamwork and communication, 23% of adults responded that they do not think most games promote these traits — less than double the percentage of those who think they do. ⑤ 30% of adults do not think most games are a better form of entertainment than TV, almost three times the percentage of those who think this is true.



The above graph shows the color preferences of a sample of 1,974 men and women. ① Blue was the most preferred color by both men and women, chosen by 42 percent of men and 29 percent of women. ② Green was the second most preferred color by men, while purple was the second most preferred color by women. ③ In fact, the percentage of females who preferred purple was over three times higher than that of their male counterparts. ④ As for the color preferences for red and yellow, there was a relatively small difference between men and women, a 1 percentage point difference. ⑤ The least preferred color was pink for men and orange for women, accounting for 1 percent and 3 percent respectively.



The above graph shows the concern of American adults about retirement financing in 2009 and 2012. ① Overall, a larger proportion of Americans were worried about their retirement finances in 2012 than in 2009. ② In 2012, adults between the ages of 35 and 44 ranked ahead of every other age group in terms of their concern about retirement finances. ③ Between 2009 and 2012, the percentage of adults aged 55 to 64 who worried about their retirement finances increased by 13 percentage points, the largest increase among all the age groups. ④ Both in 2009 and in 2012, those 65 years old and older were the least likely to express concern, with less than a third reporting worries about their retirement funds in both years. ⑤ The percentage point change for the age group 65 and older was the same as for the age group 18 to 34.



The above graph shows the share of holiday trips of EU residents in 2011 by mail means of accommodation. ① Private tourist accommodation such as second homes took up the largest portion for domestic holiday trips, while hotels and similar establishments did so for outbound holiday trips. ② In domestic holiday trips, more than two-thirds of trips were spent at private tourist accommodations. ③ In outbound holiday trips, however, less than one-third of trips were spent at private tourist accommodations. ④ More than 20% of domestic holiday travel was spent at hotels and similar establishments. ⑤ For outbound holiday trips, staying at hotels or similar establishments accounted for 52.8% and 14.1% of holiday trips were spent at other collective accommodation establishments.

