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2019개정 수능특강 라이트 영어독해 7강 본문


2019개정 수능특강 라이트 영어독해 7강

wood.forest 2019. 8. 18. 12:01

2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 7강.hwp


2019 수능특강 라이트 (개정) 7강



The graph above shows the leading outdoor watersport activities by number of participants in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2014 to 2015. In 2015, the number of participants in outdoor swimming decreased compared to the previous year. In 2015, the most popular outdoor watersport activity was coastal walking. In 2014, the number of participants in any boating activity was more than twice the number of participants in canoeing. The number of participants in angling in 2015 more than doubled compared to the previous year.



The above graph shows water use and cost among the six selected countries in 2015. In all of the selected countries, the cheaper the water was, the more they used. The Republic of Korea consumed 1,460 gallons of water per person per day, which was nearly five times larger than the amount of water Denmark consumed. Italy consumed the second largest amount of water among the six countries, immediately followed by Japan. The cost of water in Germany was the second highest among the six countries, immediately followed by that in France.



The table above shows the general government spending of 11 G20 countries in 2006 and 2016. In both years, France ranked the highest on the list, with its government spending taking up more than half of its GDP. In 2006, the government spending of five countries was less than 40 percent of their GDP. In 2016, the number of countries whose government spending was less than 40 percent of their GDP was also five, and one country, Ireland, had government spending that was less than 30 percent of its GDP. Between 2006 and 2016, four countries experienced a decrease in the government spending of their GDP, with Ireland recording the largest decrease among the 11 countries.



The above graph shows how much American news consumers engage with news from social media. About a quarter of social networking news consumers often click on links to news stories on social media, while more than half of them sometimes do. But only 16%of respondents often “like” news stories and even fewer often share or repost news stories on social media. The percentages of social media news consumers who often or sometimes comment on news stories and those who often or sometimes post links to news stories themselves are almost the same. Over 30% of those surveyed responded that they either often or sometimes discuss issues in the news on social media sites.



The table above shows the recycling rates for different types of waste for 2001 and 2012 in Singapore and the changes in recycling rates from 2001 to 2012. From 2001 to 2012, all of the waste types showed an improvement in the recycling rate, except for non-ferrous metals and plastics. The recycling rate for non-ferrous metals dropped from 85% in 2001 to 79% in 2012, while the rate for plastics was the same in both years, at 10%. The recycling rate for wood/timber waste showed a 61percentage-point increase from 2001 to 2012. Although the recycling rate for food waste doubled from 2001 to 2012, it was far below the target recycling rate for 2012.
