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리딩튜터 수능플러스 2강 TEXT 본문


리딩튜터 수능플러스 2강 TEXT

wood.forest 2019. 10. 30. 11:42

리딩튜터 수능플러스 2강.docx


리딩튜터 수능플러스 2


Can climate change make the food you eat less healthy? As strange as it may sound, it could be possible. Studies have shown that the levels of minerals, vitamins, and proteins in food crops have been dropping over the past 50 to 70 years. Some scientists believe this is related to the use of crops that produce more food but contain fewer nutrients. However, others suggest it has been caused by the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air over the same period. Although plants require CO2 to grow, a large increase in CO2 seems to have a negative effect on them. This has been demonstrated in experiments in which plants were grown in an indoor space with low CO2 levels. The results of the experiments showed that important changes took place in a wide category of plants that includes wheat, rice, potatoes, and other food crops we depend on. In each case, important minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron were reduced. Although more studies need to be done, this could potentially lead to an environmental disaster, as many people around the world already struggle to get enough nutrition in their daily diets.



Percy Spencer was a natural inventor who knew how to apply his curiosity. Shortly after World War 2, he was walking through his laboratory when he paused in front of a magnetron, a device used to power radar systems. Suddenly, he realized that a chocolate bar in his pocket was melting. But Spencer didn’t panic. Instead, he put some unpopped popcorn in a bag and held it in front of the magnetron. As Spencer had suspected, the small hard popcorn soon exploded, becoming fluffy and white. This simple experiment eventually led to the invention of the microwave oven. The first of these devices was enormous -it was 167 centimeters tall and weighed 340 kilograms. Because of this, it was only used in restaurants (to cook, a lot of, in a short time, needed, chefs, food, where). There were also other problems. Meat didn’t turn brown, and French fries turned white. But over decades, improvements were made, and eventually the microwave oven reached the point which it was the perfect addition to the average family’s kitchen. Today, people around the world use these ovens to melt their chocolate and pop their popcorn.



What would you do if you (be) given a problem that seemed too complex to solve? Guess? Give up? A better trick to try is the 5 Whys technique. To use this approach, you start with the end result and work backwards. This simply involves asking “why?”  at each stage. Recently, a team of workers responsible for maintaining the Jefferson Memorial in Washington. D.C., applied the 5 Whys to come up with a solution to a problem they were facing.

Problem: The surface of the Jefferson Memorial was deteriorating rapidly. 1. Why?: They had recently switched to stronger cleaners for the memorial's exterior surface. 2. Why?: 3. Why?: 4. Why?: 5. Why?: The lights surrounding the memorial had been adjusted to turn on at dusk a few months ago, (cause) a swell in the population of insects which are most active at dusk. Solution: Read just the timing of the lights so that they come on later in the evening.

This story shows the importance of getting to the root of a problem in a thorough and organized manner, rather than simply rushing to judgment. If you fail to ask enough questions, you may misunderstand the real reason for the problem and never formulate an effective solution



Dear Lauren Baker. We thank you for agreeing to play the music for my daughter's wedding on September 17. Unfortunately, her fiancé, who is in the military, (which, orders, impossible, this date, make, has received), so we are moving the wedding date forward two weeks to September 3. Would it be possible for you to accommodate us on this date instead? All the other aspects of our agreement will remain the same. We would be most grateful if you could make this change and I really hope to see the extra touch of elegance added to my daughter's wedding. Will you be gracing us with your presence? If you are unable to, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make other arrangements. Sincerely Bill Gibson
