목록단기특강유형편 (3)
나무 숲

3강 1 Human beings are driven by a natural desire to form and maintain interpersonal relationships. From this perspective, people seek relationships with others to fill a fundamental need, and this need underlies many emotions, actions, and decisions throughout life. Probably, the need to belong is a product of human beings’ evolutionary history as a social species. Human beings have long depende..

2강 1 Many people think of what might happen in the future based on past failures and get trapped by them. For example, if you have failed in a certain area before, when faced with the same situation, you anticipate what might happen in the future, and thus fear traps you in yesterday. Do not base your decision on what yesterday was. Your future is not your past and you have a better future. You ..

1강 1 Dear Ms. Diane Edwards, I am a teacher working at East End High School. I have read from your notice that the East End Seaport Museum is now offering a special program, the 2017 Bug Lighthouse Experience. The program would be a great opportunity for our students to have fun and experience something new. I estimate that 50 students and teachers from our school would like to participate in it..