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https://easings.net/ko Easing Functions Cheat Sheet Easing functions specify the speed of animation to make the movement more natural. Real objects don’t just move at a constant speed, and do not start and stop in an instant. This page helps you choose the right easing function. easings.net Easing functions specify the rate of change of a parameter over time. 각 함수에 마우스 hover하면 움직임이 어떻게 되는지 간단하게 ..
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뒷북이지만.. API 개발 및 테스트할때 아아주 많이 사용되는 POSTMAN이 웹 버전 베타로 (7월에) 나왔다. 하필 데스크탑 앱 깔고나서 나와서 아직 써보진 못했는데 이제는 설치 안해도 되니까 좋다. http://go.postman.com/re0A0D0t0M3DuGUav02I0h0 http://go.postman.com/re0A0D0t0M3DuGUav02I0h0 go.postman.com
https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/pure-css-animation-inspiration-on-codepen--cms-30875 Inspiration: 10 Examples of Pure CSS Animation on CodePen Our mobile browsers continue to get more powerful and better at showing us amazing, beautiful animations. When combined with the layout power of CSS, it’s possible to create some gorgeous work... webdesign.tutsplus.com https://codepen.io/YusukeNak..