목록The상승 수능유형편 (2)
나무 숲
7강 지칭 추론 기출 깨뜨리기 Dr.Paul Odland and his friend Bob travel frequently to South America, where they provide free medical treatment for disabled children of poor families. One day, they went to a local marketplace. Paul wanted to buy some souvenirs, and he spotted a carving that he liked. The non-English speaking seller was asking 500 pesos for the carving. With Bob acting as interpreter, Paul offe..
6강 연결사 추론 기출 깨뜨리기 Oil and gas resources are not likely to be impacted by climate change because they result from a process that takes millions of years and are geologically trapped. _____________________, climate change may not only force the shutting down of oil- and gas-producing areas, but increase the possibility of exploration in areas of the Arctic through the reduction in ice cover. Thus,..